Alex Jones Banned

So, yeah. The big internet news this week is about how Alex Jones got banned from Apple, Facebook, YouTube, and Spotify all in the same day. As usual, since I disagree with both the left and the right and don’t identify with either side, I can explain this situation using facts and objectivity rather than emotional, irrational, biased political views.

This entire scenario is a cluster fuck on all sides, no one is in the right, and there are no winners.

Here are the facts.

First of all, Alex Jones is either deeply mentally disturbed or a fantastically skilled liar and actor. Either is extremely problematic. Ether way, he can’t be taken seriously, and if you do, there is something very wrong with you.

Next, the fact that all of these big corporations, who ostensibly are competitors, all banned him all on the same day is deeply disturbing.

Note that I didn’t say it was surprising, just disturbing. The fact a popular, unhinged right-winger got banned from major platforms in a left-wing country like the USA doesn’t surprise me at all (and if it surprises you, again, there is something very wrong with you).

Yet, it’s still disturbing. These gigantic, corporatist entities are obviously colluding in ways that are clearly anti-capitalist and anti-firee market. This is yet another result of the American voter’s embrace of corporatism over the last 25 years. And it will get worse. Just watch.

It’s quite obvious to me that the mainstream media has an utter hatred of alternative media (YouTube, et. al.) both from the left and the right. I can only imagine entrenched CNN executives seething at this raving lunatic on YouTube screaming about gay frogs and interdimensional child molesters pulling massive market share from their audiences.

Do these companies have a right to ban Alex Jones, or anyone else they want? Of course they do. Granted, these are corporatist entities and not full free-market entities, but they are still not the government. They are free to ban anyone they like.

Should they have banned Alex Jones? Of course not. We need more controversial, politically incorrect views in the town square, not less. I agree with very little of what comes out of Alex Jones’ mouth, but that doesn’t matter. He should be allowed to say it with as loud a bullhorn as the free market and his viewership allow. Stifling this free speech is a horrible idea.

At the same time, Alex Jones should not have been surprised at all that this happened, nor should his followers. Not only has Alex Jones been screaming insane shit for years on end, but he has also defamed innocent people over and over again, which is not only wrong, but has clear and serious legal ramifications. Attacking Sandy Hook parents, misidentifying the Parkland shooter, and on and on, Jones has a long track record of this bullshit. False defamation is serious business, and Alex Jones should, very rightly, be sued into oblivion by these victims and should lose millions.

But, that’s a civil issue between him and the people he’s wrongly defamed. Companies like YouTube and Facebook should stay out of this and let the dialog play out.

At the same time, there are all kinds of other content on YouTube, iTunes, Facebook, and so on from the left that is just as vile as Alex Jones that hasn’t been banned. As a guy who has been a professional blogger for almost a decade, I can tell you that if you ban someone from your website, you need to A) state the very clear and specific reasons why you did it, and B) ban absolutely everyone else who commits these same offenses. You can’t play favorites. If you do, people like me are going to point out how hypocritical you’re being.

YouTube, Facebook, Apple, and others aren’t doing either of these things. They’re not clearly defining what Alex Jones did wrong. “Hate speech” doesn’t mean anything; you need to clearly and specifically define it, which the left has not done. And they are not applying whatever this nebulous standard is to everyone, just to certain people or companies. It’s bullshit.

Speaking of hypocrites, now we have those on the left who are cheering this move. Wait a minute, left-wingers, didn’t you guys just scream at us that a baker doesn’t have the right to say no to baking a cake for a gay wedding? Okay, then why is it okay for YouTube not to take Alex Jones’ business?

I agree the right-wing has gone insane (just look at Alex Jones and the people who like him), but you left-wingers are fucking hypocrites.

You’re also being very stupid if you think that the overly politically correct pantywaists who run YouTube and Facebook aren’t going to come after your content next. They are. I’d bet $10,000 on it. So as they say, laugh now, cry later.

To review,

1. Alex Jones is either an unhinged maniac or a highly skilled charlatan. Either way, he should not be taken seriously. Those who do are morons.

2. Alex Jones clearly beat the mainstream media at their own game, something the MSM is upset with.

3. Corporations have every right to censor people they don’t like on their own platforms for whatever reasons they choose, legal or otherwise. However, if they do this, it is incumbent upon them to be very clear, specific, and public about their reasons, and to censor everyone else with actual audiences for the exact same reasons and not play favorites. Facebook, YouTube, Apple, etc are clearly not doing this.

4. Neither Alex Jones nor his followers should have been surprised at this happening in this snowflake, politically correct, left-wing era of Western collapse. With his constant crazy shit and rampant defamation against innocent people, Jones was asking for this.

5. These corporations should not have done this. Society needs more controversial views espoused and debated, not less.

6. Left-wingers who are celebrating this move are also morons, since these same corporatist structures will ban them next. Just watch.

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  • joelsuf
    Posted at 10:56 am, 12th August 2018

    Left-wingers who are celebrating this move are alsomorons, since these same corporatist structures will ban them next. Just watch.

    Spot on. It’s a cycle, and by the 2030s there will be more censorship online to the point where its going to cut into the economy. Even the polite and calm right wingers like Peterson will be banned from stuff. That’s when shit is really gonna hit the fan.

    The left is doing what the right was doing decades ago, which is silence all dissenters and tell people that if they do not join them then they will be forced to join.

  • joelsuf
    Posted at 11:00 am, 12th August 2018

    Jones was asking for this.

    Hell, I’d go as far to say that he wanted it, this way his nuthuggers would give him more support/money etc. Jones is gonna get more famous because of this and I wouldn’t be surprised if he ran for some semblance of office by 2024 because of it.

  • Randy
    Posted at 02:06 pm, 12th August 2018

    Great article Caleb. Speaking of free speech being stifled, what do you think of all the James Gunn stuff that’s been happening recently with right wing figures getting people in trouble over tweets now?

  • Steven
    Posted at 03:37 pm, 12th August 2018

    That’s funny, I remember you telling me you believe “80% of what Alex Jones says” and that like you, he’s “Libertarian”.

    If you were basing your opinions on “facts and objectivity” then you would know that Jones is the Man whom coined the phrase “The Left/Right paradigm”.  Meaning that no matter whom you vote for, the  Power Elite  will carry out the agenda of the Power Elite. Which of course is a consolidated,Globalist power. An eventual “One World Government”.  The ‘New World Order”. Thanks to people like Jones, I understand this scam. Hardly a “Right Winger”. If you say “New World Order”  to a Right Winger they say “Conspiracy Theorist”. Yes, not very original.

    Alex Jones is a long time enemy of Right Wing figures George W. Bush, as well as Rick Perry in Texas. Alex was arrested to at a rally for Bush when he asked him a question about the CFR. People didn’t really know him back then, so he was accused of being a “Left Wing Loonie”. Hardly a Right Winger.

    Alex Jones accused members of the Right Wing George W. Bush administration of being involved in a False Flag conspiracy in the 911 attacks, to be used as a pretext for the upcoming (and pre planned) Middle East invasions. He even mentioned it in a video before it even happened. Hardly a Right Winger.

    Alex successfully infiltrated a Republican retreat called “Bohemian  Grove”. He secretly taped members of the Power Elite dressed as druids and worshiping a giant owl called Moloch, as well as burning an effigy as a sacrifice. I wouldn’t believe it if I didn’t see it for myself. Go find it online and watch it for yourself.  I’ve never been able to view the world the same ever since. I consider his Bohemian  Grove work to be among the best, if not THE best investigative journalism ever. Again, not the actions of a “Right winger”.

    Alex may appear to be Right Wing in his support of Trump. However, he believes Trump to be a “Patriot” whom has ‘infiltrated ” the Republican party. And yes, Trump used to be a Democrat. Hardly a right winger himself.

    The Sandy Hook lawsuit comes 6 YEARS after the event happened. The MSM specifically CNN, have accused Jones of claiming none of the children died. I watched his coverage of this event back then, and I have no recollection of him ever saying that. I do remember him saying he was suspicious of the government and media narrative in the aftermath . Specifically, a gun control narrative.

    However, he did say they are capable of using “Crises actors” for False flag events. I believe he made an error saying that since this is what they have used in an attempt to destroy him. The MSM is claiming that Alex has put forward the theory that the children murdered, and/ or in the media afterwards, were “actors”

    I do not personally believe Jone specifically said that, but that will be up to a trial to decide. There are people out there that believe it was a total hoax, and have been harassing the parents. Obviously that is very wrong, but they’re not doing it on the behest of Alex Jones.

    Regardless, this event was 6 YEARS AGO and this lawsuit conveniently comes right before the now most powerful controllers of our information have literally, and openly got together and conspired in an Orwellian “De Personing” of Alex Jones. In my opinion this is not just about Jones, but a message to everyone that you better watch what you say, or else! A chilling precedent, and nothing short of tyranny. It also proves that these platforms are not as ‘independent” as they appear to be.

    There’s no doubt he’s eccentric and a bit of a crazy motherfucker. He does say stupid shit. Just like we all do (even Caleb Jones) . However, with these latest events they have put a GIANT exclamation point on everything he’s ever said! They appear to be very afraid of him.Along with growing influence on people and the outcome of the last election. Would they really care this much if he was just some regular, run of the mill nut?

    He has his personal connections to Roger Stone, and even President Trump himself. I consider him to be perhaps now, the most powerful figure in the media. I take him more seriously now then ever before.  If there’s “something wrong with me” , or if I’m a “moron”, then so be it.

    “Gay Frogs” LOL: Source Wikipedia: Atrazine has been a suspected teratogen, with some studies reporting causing demasculinization in male northern leopard frogs even at low concentrations,[47][48] and an endocrine disruptor.[49] A 2002 study by Tyrone Hayes, of the University of California, Berkeley, found that exposure caused male tadpoles to turn into hermaphrodites – frogs with both male and female sexual characteristics”.

    I appreciate your blog even if I don’t always agree with your analysis. It’s all about discourse and sharing ideas, and opinions. You stand up for freedom of expression and individualism.Just like Alex Jones. Which is why I’m a fan of you both. I have an open mind, and am willing to alter my views with what I consider to be the right facts. That’s what freedom of speech is all about! Besides, how boring would it be if we all just agreed of everything all the time?

    P.S  Caleb, if you reply to any part of this post don’t bother accusing me of being angry. I’m in a GREAT mood! 🙂


  • Ragnarand
    Posted at 03:52 pm, 12th August 2018

    Great analysis but you haven’t proposed any solutions, not that I have come up with a good one myself yet.

    Right wing “capitalists” and nationalists are going through some weird mental gymnastics about these oligopolistic corporations should be treated as public utilities because they have nowhere else to go express their views, alternative platforms have inferior user base and get hindered all the time, e.g Gab. I’m somewhat sympathetic to the Right but everyone knows this argument is a load of BS.

    And there’s the approach of treating these biased platforms as publishers liable for (endorsing) libel, which sounds somewhat more legitimate but I doubt it will solve the problem.

    Letting Lefties dominate in media has been a big mistake.

    The only viable solutions I see so far are collectively going on strike or to take your balls, go your own way, which means secession, and then build your own echo-chamber.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 06:04 pm, 12th August 2018

    what do you think of all the James Gunn stuff that’s been happening recently with right wing figures getting people in trouble over tweets now?

    That conservatives clearly hate free speech as much as left-wingers even though they pretend not to.

    That’s funny, I remember you telling me you believe “80% of what Alex Jones says” and that like you, he’s “Libertarian”.

    Incorrect. Please quote me correctly. I said he reports 70-80% of the news accurately. I didn’t say I agree with 80% of what he says.

    I also said, in that same comment, and I quote, “Just because someone shares my political views doesn’t mean he can’t be insane.”

    If an insane person says 2+2=4, I agree with him on that point. That doesn’t mean he should taken seriously. I will repeat: No one should take Alex Jones seriously, and if you do, there’s something wrong with you.

    The Sandy Hook lawsuit comes 6 YEARS after the event happened. The MSM specifically CNN, have accused Jones of claiming none of the children died. I watched his coverage of this event back then, and I have no recollection of him ever saying that.

    Irrelevant. There is clear video all over YouTube of him clearly saying that Sandy Hook was a false flag operation, etc.

    Just because the MSM lies about Alex Jones (which they do) doesn’t mean Alex Jones isn’t insane (or a skilled actor/liar).

    Alex Jones accused members of the Right Wing George W. Bush administration

    I’m not commenting on things Alex Jones did 15 years ago. I’m talking about today, and today, he’s an overly religious, pro-Trump, right-wing conservative.

    Like you said, Trump used to be a Democrat… and Alex Jones used to be a little more objective. Sometimes people change (and for the worse).

    He does say stupid shit. Just like we all do (even Caleb Jones) .

    An issue of degree. The rare stupid shit I say pales in comparison to the extreme amount of extreme stupid shit Alex Jones says on a regular basis.

    “Gay Frogs” LOL: Source Wikipedia: Atrazine has been a suspected teratogen, with some studies reporting causing demasculinization in male northern leopard frogs even at low concentrations,[47][48] and an endocrine disruptor.[49] A 2002 study by Tyrone Hayes, of the University of California, Berkeley, found that exposure caused male tadpoles to turn into hermaphrodites – frogs with both male and female sexual characteristics”.

    1. Hermaphrodites are not gay.

    2. If they were turning the frogs gay (which they are not) I would not scream it at the top of my lungs angrily while red-faced.

    So A) he’s not reporting the news accurately, and B) he’s acting insane while misreporting.

    Caleb, if you reply to any part of this post don’t bother accusing me of being angry.

    Correct, your comment, this time, was not angry. That’s why you and I are able to carry on a decent conversation today. Your comments in the Illuminati thread were extremely angry, to the point of rampant irrationality.

    Emotional control is your friend. Try to keep it at all times when commenting on my blogs.

    Great analysis but you haven’t proposed any solutions, not that I have come up with a good one myself yet.

    The solution is to refuse to vote for any politician, Republican or Democrat, who is a corporatist, and do that consistently for at least 25 years. This way quasi-monopolies like Facebook and YouTube would be far less likely to exist.

    The problem is that idiot Americans (or Europeans) aren’t going to do this.

    Right wing “capitalists” and nationalists are going through some weird mental gymnastics about these oligopolistic corporations should be treated as public utilities because they have nowhere else to go express their views, alternative platforms have inferior user base and get hindered all the time, e.g Gab. I’m somewhat sympathetic to the Right but everyone knows this argument is a load of BS.

    Agreed. Republicans are for big government, as always.

  • joelsuf
    Posted at 06:27 pm, 12th August 2018

    Trump used to be a Democrat.

    Still is pretty much, he just says things that make leftists mad. But if he didn’t do that (and watch, he will probably cut back on it before the 2020 election so that he’ll get re-elected in 2020) leftists would like him.

    Its Anarchism (either AnCap or AnCom) that people are TRULY afraid of. Behold, a conversation I actually had with someone who thought Trump was worse than Hitler:

    Me: I don’t like Trump either. We really need to give Anarcho Capitalism a try.
    Trump hater: Are you kidding? If we had Anarchy, we’d be even worse than Nazi Germany!!!

    Statists eventually grow onto whoever is running it. The same people who massively disliked Neocon Dubya Bush 15 years ago are now saying “well he wasn’t that bad” when comparing him to Tantrum Trump. And guess what when we have a combination of Tantrum Trump and Comrade Bernie as president the VERY SAME PEOPLE who are disliking Trump now will be like “Can’t believe I’m saying this but things were better when Trump was president…”

    Happens every time.

    As far as Alex Jones goes, I saw right through him the second I heard him. He preaches absolute statism too, only he wants the right statist regime to go to bat for him. Which is what everyone wants. Since statism has become our universal religion now. So meh. Dude could die tomorrow and I would force a shrug.

    Now pull John Stossel from social media (which I am expecting to happen soon) THEN I might react somehow, if I’m bored enough to care.

  • Tony
    Posted at 09:24 pm, 12th August 2018

    This is one of the things that frustrates me about my fellow Liberals. They say Facebook and these other companies are free to do this as if that’s relevant to the discussion. The problem is that if you treat free speech as just a law and not an important value then anything can be defined as “hate speech”.

    For example, obesity is the biggest health crisis facing the US, and the world, but people get so upset over it that even giving factual information and advice in a non-asshole way can be construed as “hate speech”, which only furthers the problem.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 09:59 pm, 12th August 2018

    Statists eventually grow onto whoever is running it. The same people who massively disliked Neocon Dubya Bush 15 years ago are now saying “well he wasn’t that bad” when comparing him to Tantrum Trump. And guess what when we have a combination of Tantrum Trump and Comrade Bernie as president the VERY SAME PEOPLE who are disliking Trump now will be like “Can’t believe I’m saying this but things were better when Trump was president…”

    Correct. That’s exactly what will happen.

    It’s not about having principles and beliefs and sticking to them. It’s about feeling emotions and getting mad at whomever is “fun” to hate at the moment.

    They say Facebook and these other companies are free to do this as if that’s relevant to the discussion. The problem is that if you treat free speech as just a law and not an important value then anything can be defined as “hate speech”.

    But that’s the entire point. As I implied in the article, it’s not that they can’t clearly and specifically define hate speech. It’s that they don’t want to. That way, anything they want can be “hate speech”… which is the entire point.

  • Truth Seeker
    Posted at 10:40 pm, 12th August 2018

    Well, I really hate to be “that guy,” especially since I like your blog and generally agree with just about everything I have read from you over the past two years or so.

    You say you’re objective and rely on facts.


    If you ever want to have your mind blown (by hardcore facts!) then first read this piece about an article AND a book that have been completely scrubbed out of existence by every major platform in the world, including InfoWars (almost like everyone is scared of something but for different reasons):

    Then, if you have time on a rainy day, read this impeccably researched and cited 426 page banned book by emeritus professor of science philosophy, Dr. James Fetzer:

    Nobody died at Sandy Hook.

    And no – there is nothing “wrong” with me other than being a deep thinking engineering professional willing to weigh the facts on any topic, no matter how controversial or taboo. Facts are facts. And if hardcore evidence overwhelmingly points to something being true, then it must be accepted as true (no matter how emotionally difficult) unless and until said evidence is controverted. The Socratic Method works and works well.

    And for the record:

    Yes, the world is round
    Yes, we landed on the moon
    No, frogs aren’t turning gay (but some are turning into hemaphrodites due to Atrazine and other chems)

    Of course if you are simply “just not interested” in any of this, I don’t blame you. And that’s fine. Most people are not. The rabbit hole goes deep and people have a natural aversion from looking into that void. Going too deep can eventually make some people unhinged – just like an Alex Jones!


  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 10:53 pm, 12th August 2018

    Of course if you are simply “just not interested” in any of this, I don’t blame you. And that’s fine.

    It’s not that I’m not interested. It’s that if I ask you to prove a wild conspiracy theory and the only thing you have to show me is a 426-page document, then A) I don’t have that kind of time and B) that clearly indicates there’s a problem with your argument, since notice I can prove my points with just a few simple sentences; I don’t need a 426 document.

  • Truth Seeker
    Posted at 11:12 pm, 12th August 2018

    “It’s not that I’m not interested. It’s that if I ask you to prove a wild conspiracy theory and the only thing you have to show me is a 426page  document, then A) I don’t have that kind of time and B) that clearly indicates there’s a problem with your argument, since notice I can prove my points with just a few simple sentences; I don’t need a 426 document.”

    Fair enough on the time issue.

    But on the argument issue I must disagree.

    1 – Saying that an argument is negated because the evidence presented its lengthy, is absolutely ridiculous. We would have to throw out just about every court judgement in history, as the documentary evidence and arguments in most civil and criminal matters far exceed a few hundred pages. I present the book as EVIDENCE to back up a very bold assertion that runs counter to a strongly embedded social narrative. As such the issue is more comparable to a case that could hold up in a court of law on a very complex subject vs an argument on a simple point of contention (e.g. we disagree that 2 +2 = 4. No problem. One of us can easily prove it using a few characters of text.) Btw, you also negate your entire blog and books with that assertion as you’ve written more than a few hundred pages to “prove your points” about male-female relationships in the modern world, in order to de-program your readers from decades of societal programming.

    2- You can’t “prove your points” with a few simple sentences, other than to say that you believe the MSM narrative on the shooting, as it was presented. That’s not proof. That’s a belief. And it would take an entire book (i.e. the one I linked) in order to disassemble the entirety of that societal programming to prove that the opposite is in fact true.

    Anyway, I’m not trying to pick an internet scrap over this issue, which you’ve already indicated you have no time for. I respect that. I’ve learned never to be pushy with these topics. The links are given in case any other readers of this blog might have an interest in peering behind the curtain. That is all.

  • blueguitar
    Posted at 11:22 pm, 12th August 2018

    For another perspective on the whole Alex Jones banning, check out Elliot Hulse –

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 11:24 pm, 12th August 2018

    Saying that an argument is negated because the evidence presented its lengthy, is absolutely ridiculous.

    Not it’s not. That’s the problem with a lot of you conspiracy theorists. When someone challenges your controversial opinions, too often you guys say, “Here, read this 600-page report, then read this 366 page book by so-and-so. It will explain everything.” However, you will notice that whenever challenges my controversial opinions, I can almost always answer/counter them, fully and completely, within 1-5 sentences, with perhaps a link to an article or two that is no longer than one or two pages in length.

    That says something about my arguments. And about yours. Yeah man, length matters.

    other than to say that you believe the MSM narrative on the shooting, as it was presented

    That is not my assertion nor my belief. I have never addressed the Sandy Hook shooting.

    I said is that it’s a matter of record that Alex Jones has falsely defamed multiple innocent people (across various shootings and political issues), and he should pay the price for that. Defamation is immoral and unethical, and those guilty of it should be punished by civil lawsuits. (But not by banning on social media platforms.) If someone as famous as Alex Jones publicly and falsely accused you of crimes you never committed, I don’t think you’d be very happy about it.

  • Truth Seeker
    Posted at 11:42 pm, 12th August 2018

    “That says something about my arguments. And about yours. Yeah man, length matters.”

    It really depends on what one is arguing about, doesn’t it? For simple subjects, length matters in so much that an argument should be made as concise and coherent as possible, so that communication can flow efficiently. But the length of an argument has absolutely NOTHING to do with the veracity of said argument. I’m sure you can see this? One person can use a paragraph of text to prove a certain point. Another can use 200 pages of text to prove the same point, perhaps coming from a very different angle but proving the point nonetheless. Truth is truth. The length of an argument only speaks to its efficiency not to its veracity.

    “I said is that it’s a matter of record that Alex Jones has falsely defamed multiple innocent people (across various shootings and political issues), and he should pay the price for that. ”

    Really? Who has he defamed? Can you cite a judgement anywhere that shows Alex Jones has been FOUND GUILTY of defamation? And please don’t say the Sandy Hook parents as that has yet to be adjudicated. If you say that Alex Jones has defamed people “as a matter of record” when there is no such record, then you are defaming him! As far as I know, there is no such judgement in existence but I COULD BE WRONG. If so, please enlighten me. And if it turns out to be true – that he has been found guilty of defamation, then I agree with you and he should pay the price. No issues there.


  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 12:00 am, 13th August 2018

    It really depends on what one is arguing about, doesn’t it?

    If your only response is a 400+ page document, no.

    Who has he defamed?

    As just one example off the top of my head, he publicly misidentified Marcel Fontaine as the Parkland shooter.

    Can you cite a judgement anywhere that shows Alex Jones has been FOUND GUILTY of defamation?

    HA! Oh wow, you’re really going to use that argument?  You realize that’s the exact same argument retarded Hillary Clinton supporters used throughout 2016, right? “Well, big government never officially found her guilty of a crime, therefore she hasn’t done anything wrong and is innocent!!!”

    I think you’ve just proved my point about the veracity of your arguments. Thanks for doing so.

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 01:57 am, 13th August 2018

    The MSM specifically CNN, have accused Jones of claiming none of the children died. I watched his coverage of this event back then, and I have no recollection of him ever saying that

    The FBI said that no one died at Sandy Hook, not Jones.

    Here are the FBI’s murder numbers from their own website for Connecticut in 2012 (just scroll down to Newtown):

    Nobody died at Sandy Hook.

    Correct! Everyone should download and read that shocking book!

    I love how America is the only country in the world in which the government is legally prohibited from banning books

    “Those who begin by burning books will end by burning men” – George Washington.



  • Tony
    Posted at 04:44 am, 13th August 2018


    Having wasted a lot of time looking at conspiracy theory claims, there’s no reason to read these huge reports because all of these “facts” can easily be disproven with some basic research. Once you look at a handful of claims and find them all lacking, why should you give the rest of the book the benefit of the doubt?

    That FBI crime statistics claim is a good example. That data is UCR data, which the FBI gets from the states (You can see this explained when you click on “Data Declaration”). If you look up Connecticut’s UCR for 2012 (here) you can see on page 4 they acknowledge the shooting. And on page 245 (where the FBI gets that 0 number from) they have a little annotation:

    Does NOT include 27 victims of Newtown mass shooting (see State Police Misc.)

    No reading of a massive book necessary, just a simple Google search and common sense (if this was really a big conspiracy, why would the FBI give it away this easy?).

  • Truth Seeker
    Posted at 08:43 am, 13th August 2018

    It really depends on what one is arguing about, doesn’t it?

    “If your only response is a 400+ page document, no.”

    Okay, then. The following book is therefore invalid, as it runs 436 pages. You should have been able to expound your argument on how to be an alpha male 2.0 in a few sentences, max:

    “As just one example off the top of my head, he publicly misidentified Marcel Fontaine as the Parkland shooter.”

    In the early hours of the shooting, one of Infowars’ employees put up a photo of Fontaine as the alleged shooter and that photo was online for a maximum of 5 hours before it was taken down and retracted with an apology. News organizations make those types of errors all the time, especially in the early hours of big news events. When new facts roll in, standard operating procedure is to retract and apologize, which Infowars did. Now it’s true that Fontaine has recently sued them for “defamation” and that case has yet to be heard. I don’t think he has much of a case. You do. But ultimately the judge and jury will decide.

    Can you cite a judgement anywhere that shows Alex Jones has been FOUND GUILTY of defamation?

    “HA! Oh wow, you’re really going to use that argument?  You realize that’s the exact same argument retarded Hillary Clinton supporters used throughout 2016, right?”

    Yes, I am precisely going to make that argument. In this country a person is innocent until proven guilty, whether you or I like it or not. This is the foundation stone of our entire legal system (thank God!). I can’t allow my personal disdain for Hillary Clinton to cloud my judgement on that point. Now do I think that Clinton in the scum of the earth and a likely criminal based on a preponderance of publicly available evidence? You bet! I can’t stand her. I think she is corrupt up the wazoo and look forward to the day that she is tried before a military tribunal. But until that day arrives any statement on my part that she is an actual criminal, is just an opinion and not an unequivocal statement of fact. Same goes for you. And if I was a journalist writing a piece on her I would be very careful NOT to outright call her a criminal. Instead, I would list all the known evidence against her and might suggest that criminal acts have occurred – but even then I would remind readers that, so far, she has not been found guilty in a court of law. That would be responsible journalism.

    Anyway, we will have to agree to disagree. I don’t feel that Alex Jones has defamed anyone up to this point. He’s doing what any busy, investigative journalists does (or is supposed to do). He makes mistakes but then retracts and apologizes when such a mistake is made. If and when a judge and jury says that he has defamed someone – then I will amend my opinion on him.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 09:33 am, 13th August 2018

    Okay, then. The following book is therefore invalid, as it runs 436 pages.

    Show me one time, ever, at any of my blogs, where someone challenged one of my assertions, and I told the guy to go read my 436 page book as their answer.

    I’ve never done it, because my assertions are not that hard to defend. Which says something about my assertions. (I have often directed them to a specific chapter in the book, which is like 8 or 10 pages, but never the entire book, because that would be insane.)

    Yes, I am precisely going to make that argument.

    Great. Then I think we’re done here and I’ll let the readers decide which of us is being more rational with their arguments.

  • joelsuf
    Posted at 09:54 am, 13th August 2018

    It’s not about having principles and beliefs and sticking to them. It’s about feeling emotions and getting mad at whomever is “fun” to hate at the moment.

    It goes a bit beyond this actually, Caleb. It is about emotions and getting mad at whomever is fun to hate at the moment, but its even more about using said emotions and beliefs that are executed through these emotions to tell others how to live their lives and if they are a good person or not.

    TS and JOTB are very good examples of this. They want people to think and act exactly like they, and will make sure that if you don’t read every word of their over 9000 page documents that “reveal the truth” (a powerphrase for collectivists), you will be punished accordingly. Like with their progressive counterparts, I just wish they were up front about it. Hell if any collectivist was like “yeah, I just want the entire world to follow my ideals and I think that anyone who disagrees with me should die” I’d at least be able to somewhat respect their honesty.

    If they could end the lives of people who don’t agree with them without any consequence, they would do it. Just like their leftist counterparts would.

    And now it looks like the conspiracy theorists are giving themselves away just like the leftists gave themselves away 4-5 years ago. Just as weak, just as collectivist, will never be relevant to my life or a threat to it. Sad part is that I can’t even get good lulz from them, which is also really lame. At least when the progressive assholes REEE, they are somewhat entertaining. Most progressives are effete weak people whose emotions rule their lives anyways, I expect them to REEE.

    When the conspiracy theorists do it, they just sound sad, whether it is online or offline. So much energy wasted on things that they know do not affect them.

  • Michael Elliott
    Posted at 03:34 pm, 13th August 2018

    Hey Caleb, I was wondering what you thought of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. I think you’re right about America movíng farther to the left because of President Trump. I just read an article claiming that more Democrats now prefer Socialism to Capitalism. Pretty scary. I’m Interested in your thoughts. Enjoy the decline.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 05:21 pm, 13th August 2018

    Hey Caleb, I was wondering what you thought of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

    She is the vanguard of the gigantic, Bernie Sanders-based socialist army that is about to sweep America over the next 3-10 years. Young, female, attractive, non-white, hyphenated last name, and socialist… she’s the left’s wet dream. And she is the first of many, many more such politicians to come.

  • CTV
    Posted at 10:53 pm, 13th August 2018

    I hear that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) isn’t as popular out here in California.

    Now we do have different Liberals and do have different political and economical landscape than New York and East Coast. Granted.

    Here’s something controversial that the Left hasn’t anticipated.

    AOC is Puerto Rican.. while on the outside she look marketable.. I wonder how many Votes she didn’t get/support she loses because of race. California is primarily Mexican.

    How much support will she not get in Florida because of the Cuban demographics?

    They have not anticipated how racist Minorities can be within their own groups. Blacks against other Blacks, different Latin orgins, ETC..

    As a Caucasian guy I may not see it, but those groups can be viscious to each other.


  • Steven
    Posted at 12:33 am, 14th August 2018

    Incorrect. Please quote me correctly. I said he reports 70-80% of the news accurately. I didn’t say I agree with 80% of what he says.

    Yes, that is what you said. I interpreted it as you agree with him because the way he reports the news seems to be in the form of his own opinion. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you angry. 🙂

     Hermaphrodites are not gay

    Well, they were technically straight males at first, but after exposure to the chemical they became hermaphrodites and then mounted each other. Hence “”Turned the frogs gay”. I think this is meant more of a joke than anything though really.

    Your comments in the Illuminati thread were extremely angry, to the point of rampant irrationality.


    I just went back and read them. I challenged your article (as did a couple others) and I was delivering a lot of facts in an attempt to debate you.  You replied that we don’t really disagree:

    You and I have no disagreement. The only problem is you’re angry, when you’re angry, you lose the ability to think rationally. Something to remember, my friend


    If I had “rampant irrationality” in my comments then why did you say we actually agree on the facts?

    Extreme anger,rampant irrationality would be something like this ” Fuck you motherfucker! How about I come to Oregon and beat your Alpha 2.0 ass and show Pink Firefly what a real man is you bitch!”

    Of course, I would never say that to you for real! Thanks, for taking the time to read my post. It was long winded and you seem to have taken to time to read it. I appreciate that.

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 01:12 am, 14th August 2018


    Having wasted a lot of time looking at conspiracy theory claims, there’s no reason to read these huge reports because all of these “facts” can easily be disproven with some basic research.

    No, they can’t.

    Once you look at a handful of claims and find them all lacking, why should you give the rest of the book the benefit of the doubt?

    Nowhere did I say that the book should be given the benefit of the doubt. I said it should be read. A handful of claims being found lacking does not mean that you should dismiss the rest without even reading them.

    That FBI crime statistics claim is a good example. That data is UCR data, which the FBI gets from the states (You can see this explained when you click on “Data Declaration”).

    Your point?

    If you look up Connecticut’s UCR for 2012 you can see on page 4 they acknowledge the shooting.

    Why don’t they acknowledge it in the link I gave? Did Connecticut not report it to the FBI, or something?

    And on page 245 (where the FBI gets that 0 number from) they have a little annotation:

    Does NOT include 27 victims of Newtown mass shooting (see State Police Misc.)

    But why not?

    No reading of a massive book necessary, just a simple Google search and common sense

    What common sense?

    It is your arrogant dismissal of evidence (without even having examined it) and false claim that a simple Google search can invalidate an over 400 page book (without you even having read the book) that makes you part of the problem.

    I’m not going to reproduce the whole book for you here, but do yourself a favor and look into a Connecticut woman named Kelley Watt. She’s a cleaning lady who owns her own a cleaning service in Newtown.

    After Sandy Hook, she claims that she made literally hundreds of phone calls and she received four answers to her very basic question:

    Which cleaning service was contracted to clean up the children’s blood?

    The four answers:

    1. We don’t know.

    2. Of course this happened! How dare you say it didn’t?

    3. Call us again and we will file harassment charges.

    4. What blood?

    (if this was really a big conspiracy, why would the FBI give it away this easy?).

    Because not everyone within the FBI is in on the scam. A conspiracy of this magnitude requires thousands of people cooperating perfectly, and that is usually beyond human capacity.

    When liars are caught, it is usually innocuous or dumb shit like this that trips them up.


  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 02:16 am, 14th August 2018

    TS and JOTB are very good examples of this. They want people to think and act exactly like they, and will make sure that if you don’t read every word of their over 9000 page documents that “reveal the truth” (a powerphrase for collectivists), you will be punished accordingly.

    And just how am I planning to punish you?

    Like with their progressive counterparts, I just wish they were up front about it. Hell if any collectivist was like “yeah, I just want the entire world to follow my ideals and I think that anyone who disagrees with me should die” I’d at least be able to somewhat respect their honesty.

    Really? You think that I believe that anyone who disagrees with me should die? Where are you getting this insanity from? I’m worried about you man!

    You should know enough about me by now to acknowledge that I’m not ashamed of any of my opinions, no matter how controversial or wild. If I wanted you to die for disagreeing with me, I’d tell you. But I’m a Free Speech absolutist, so your accusation is psychotic!

    If they could end the lives of people who don’t agree with them without any consequence, they would do it.

    Like I said, psychotic accusation! You yourself have shown authoritarian tendencies in past posts (something about the government limiting the number of internet posts), which even Caleb admitted were authoritarian. So I think you’re projecting here.

    And now it looks like the conspiracy theorists

    Let me paraphrase your boy George Carlin – Conspiracy theorist is a term invented by rich cocksuckers who want to discourage the notion that rich and powerful people might actually get together and have a plan.

    are giving themselves away just like the leftists gave themselves away 4-5 years ago. Just as weak, just as collectivist, will never be relevant to my life or a threat to it.

    What are you talking about? Who wants to be a threat to your life for telling the truth about Sandy Hook?

    When the conspiracy theorists do it, they just sound sad, whether it is online or offline.

    Not an argument. Do you have facts that suggest they are wrong?

    So much energy wasted on things that they know do not affect them.

    The gun control agenda and the repeal of the 2nd Amendment via shooting hoaxes and real shootings (caused by psych meds) does affect me and my civil liberties.




  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 09:31 am, 14th August 2018

    If I had “rampant irrationality” in my comments then why did you say we actually agree on the facts?

    Because you were screaming your head off like an angry psycho that I didn’t believe in any of that stuff, which I did, because you couldn’t understand that satire when everyone else did, because you were too busy being angry and irrational.

    I’ve said it once in this thread and I’ll say it again, one last time: if a crazy psycho says 2+2=4 in the midst of his rantings, I agree with him on that point. That doesn’t mean he’s not being a crazy psycho.

  • Tony
    Posted at 09:56 am, 14th August 2018


    But why not?

    Your book has 400 pages, did they not have the space to answer this very basic question that is apparently a key piece of evidence?

    That’s why it’s not worth the time. I’ve spent more time than I should have researching conspiracies, particularly JFK, and it turns out they’re all the same. You can spend your entire life researching this stuff and still come up on new claims that need debunked, yet all these claims always end the same way, just like this.

    There’s a perfectly rational explanation for them saying nobody was killed in Newtown that year, which they say in the very data that’s cited to support this claim. But unless the supporters of the conventional view go out of their way to answer every asinine question conspiracy theorists have they conclude there must have been a conspiracy.

    So to answer your question, I don’t know, and I don’t care. What does it matter? How does this in any way further the goals of this supposed conspiracy to not count those victims in these stats, but to then acknowledge them in the report? Why is it so unreasonable to believe that they’re going to exclude this attack in their statistics?

  • Martin
    Posted at 11:50 am, 14th August 2018

    Which cleaning service was contracted to clean up the children’s blood?
    Clean Harbors, Inc.

    Return to square one. 

  • John
    Posted at 02:08 pm, 14th August 2018


    This development has two pieces which explain many underlying causes.

    One:When Sesame Street ended its run, one of the major cast members, Sonia Manzano, had played the character “Maria” for 44 years. This is a more obvious example of an actor with a very long time period playing a role.

    The character “Alex Jones” is played by a man named Bill Hicks.

    It’s not really anything most people pay attention to, and there isn’t anything illegal about it. It’s called “acting”.

    There is a perponderance of evidence that Mr. Hicks is playing a character that he spoke about creating, who would be a ranting, angry, Rush Limbaugh type presence, who took on th topics of UFO’s, conspiracy theories, and fringe topics. If you decide to look at the evidence, it isn’t even questionable. It’s pretty cut and dried, so to speak.

    The second piece, for those with an interest in codes and cyphers includes the scope of the trnsmision of information for an intended audience – which is usually unrecognized by the general public.

    Although the average American considers him/herself to be very intelligent and aware of everything going on in the world – this is attributed to the awareness of watching television 5 hours a day.

    Once you actually take the time to study and learn psychology, advertising, and some simple codes – if you haven’t already- you will discover that people will not believe that there is information that is wrong, or even hidden. But once you learn some of the easier coding, you can decipher some of the coding that is used in the media on a daily basis. A solid basis in math is needed for the mathmatical codes.

    Certain news headines, about certain celebrities, on certain dates, about certain topics – are choreographed so that all/many of the numerical values are similar for the selected “story”.

    You can look it up – or not- under the heading “gematria”. You may, or may not choose to look up the codes of “Sir Francis Bacon” to see how far back, many coded messages have been.

    I really don’t care if anybody else looks up these references or not. I know that Santa Claus doesn’t exist, and that’s because I always look for the truth. If you want to know the truth about something – you won’t find that truth on television.

    Hope this helps.


  • Steven
    Posted at 02:39 pm, 14th August 2018

    Because you were screaming your head off like an angry psycho that I didn’t believe in any of that stuff, which I did, because you couldn’t understand that satire when everyone else did, because you were too busy being angry and irrational.

    Incorrect. If I was screaming, I would be USING ALL CAPS LIKE THIS BECAUSE THAT”S HOW YOU SCREAM ON THE INTERNET!!! We can just drop it though, obviously you were upset by that thread.

    Seriously though, why are you here talking about Alex Jones? Aren’t you getting married and/or on your honeymoon Caleb?


    @ Jack

    You’re probably aware that the CIA came up with the “Conspiracy Theorist” term to utilize in the Mockingbird media right after the official narrative on the JFK assassination was a “Magic bullet”.  And why waste your time debating with the programed sheep?

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 03:18 pm, 14th August 2018

    About Alex Jones being banned:

    I believe that private companies have every right to ban anyone they wish to ban only if two things are true at the same time:

    1. They are not monopolies

    2. They receive zero money from the government.

    In other words, they have to be pure free market entities, not corporatists that are in bed with government.

    If a private company is a monopoly, it must be designated by government as a public utility, thus extending the First Amendment to that company (a la net neutrality).

    If a private company receives corporate welfare, or any privileges from government that smaller companies do not receive, thus shielding it from competition and the wrath of the free market, then that company needs to be designated an “instrumentality of government,” thus extending the First Amendment and the entire Constitution to it.

    This is why I think the First Amendment, and the entire Constitution, should extend to 97 percent of private universities, as they receive federal and state funding. It should also extend to the Boy Scouts who receive hundreds of thousands of tax payer dollars per year.

    In other words, it is my opinion that banning Alex Jones should have been illegal, unless the private companies that banned him would be willing to renounce their corporate welfare and become real free market entities, subject to genuine competition.





  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 03:53 pm, 14th August 2018

    How does this in any way further the goals of this supposed conspiracy to not count those victims in these stats, but to then acknowledge them in the report?

    Like I said, it hinders the conspiracy. It does not further it. But they can’t amend the exclusion now, because then they would look even more incompetent. So they have to compensate for the original exclusion somehow while maintaining plausibility in order to satisfy people like you.

    Why is it so unreasonable to believe that they’re going to exclude this attack in their statistics?

    Did you seriously just ask that question? Why is it unreasonable to believe that they’re going to exclude the most massive shooting in Newtown history from their official statistics? Gee, I don’t know. Maybe because it’s not just unreasonable. It’s fucking insane!

    Extremely powerful people in government and outside of it have wanted to abolish the 2nd Amendment for decades now. It is a huge thorn in their side. Why is it so unreasonable to believe that they would fake a shooting, or even slaughter real kids, just to achieve their police state? It’s what the elite does. It’s what they have always done.



  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 04:26 pm, 14th August 2018

    The character “Alex Jones” is played by a man named Bill Hicks.


    In the early 1990s, there was a real radio talk show host named Alex Jones. He disappeared. Around the same time Bill Hicks (who looks just like the current version of Jones) supposedly died of lung cancer. A few years later, he reappeared as the current “Alex Jones.”

    Alex Jones (the current one) is a CIA invention to replace the real Alex Jones whom they murdered. If you want to know what the elites think of us, just look at the psychotic way this current Alex Jones is acting. He is paid to be a parody of a real truth seeker – a crazy, foaming at the mouth idiot ranting and raving about baby eating monsters. It’s a parody of what the elites think of us. They’re laughing at us by using him as a proxy.

    His job is to get real truth seekers on his show and flush them out for the CIA.



  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 04:29 pm, 14th August 2018

    Alex successfully infiltrated a Republican retreat called “Bohemian  Grove”.

    No he didn’t. He was allowed in by his CIA bosses.


  • Qlue
    Posted at 04:35 pm, 14th August 2018

    Lol Jack Outside the Box, that’s a load of conspiracy bullshit.  The truth is probably that being overly dramatic garners lots of attention and thus more money. Alex Jones is just one upping the media with crazy dramatic bullshit to garners more viewership. The media knows that strategy works, so they banned him. People watch him for entertainment, not for news. The interview he did with that basement guy who got sued by his parents (Michael Rotondo) was absolutely hilarious. I couldn’t stop laughing the whole time, I was literally crying from laughter.

    Google Michael Rotondo Alex Jones, so funny watching two autistic grown ups talk to eachother.

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 04:45 pm, 14th August 2018

    Not only has Alex Jones been screaming insane shit for years on end, but he has also defamed innocent people over and over again,

    If we’re being hyper-legal, defamation only becomes a reality if the statement was wrongful (false) and hurtful (concretely injurious to reputation). People whom he has lied about might be able to prove that what he said was false, but it will be more difficult for them to prove concrete damages. Did the lies cost them their jobs? Their friend circle? If not, and all they can claim is “hurt feelings” like they did on Meagan Kelly’s show, then they will lose.

    Jones also accused Robert Mueller of facilitating a child sex trafficking ring. That may or may not be true (we know the elites love their pedophilia – this has been documented for thousands of years), but even if it’s false, Mueller would have to prove concrete damages to his reputation in the form of financial losses, his friends leaving him, etc… Otherwise, it’s Free Speech, regardless of whether it’s true or not.

    Speaking of hypocrites, now we have those on the left who are cheering this move. Wait a minute, left-wingers, didn’t you guys just scream at us that a baker doesn’t have the right to say no to baking a cake for a gay wedding? Okay, then why is it okay for YouTube not to take Alex Jones’ business?

    That’s not hypocrisy. There’s a difference between discriminating against choices vs. genetic predispositions, like homosexuality. I agree with you that religious bakers shouldn’t be forced by law to bake cakes for anyone whom they don’t wish to bake cakes for, since, in a free country, just like the buyer can choose not to buy, the seller can choose not to sell, but that’s a false analogy.


  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 04:51 pm, 14th August 2018

    Lol Jack Outside the Box, that’s a load of conspiracy bullshit.

    Yeah, okie dokie.

    Hey Qlue, I know this is off topic, but I’ve been meaning to ask you this for a while now. Why did you convert from being a very sex-positive dude to a raging conservative slut shamer filled with M/W? Did that mono girl of yours brainwash you?



  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 05:00 pm, 14th August 2018

    Hilarious Alex Jones video:

    And Bill Hicks in 1994:


  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 05:08 pm, 14th August 2018

    Also, Bill Hicks (future Alex Jones) stand up:

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 05:16 pm, 14th August 2018

    And why waste your time debating with the programed sheep?

    Because it’s fun. And it may help get some anonymous readers off the fence.


  • Anon
    Posted at 08:14 pm, 14th August 2018

    Extremely powerful people in government and outside of it have wanted to abolish the 2nd Amendment for decades now. It is a huge thorn in their side. Why is it so unreasonable to believe that they would fake a shooting, or even slaughter real kids, just to achieve their police state? It’s what the elite does. It’s what they have always done.

    See, this is what the label “conspiracy theorist” usually implies: their assumption that the elite is one extremely unified entity. All the Zionist Illuminati reptiloids, led by John D. Rockefeller Sr. himself (who’s still alive through drinking blood of Christian babies), all act as one, there’s no dissent ever, and all their clandestine plans are always executed flawlessly. This strike force, despite comprising 4% of the world’s Jews and thus being world’s 8th largest military, manages to prevent each and every member from disclosing the tiniest hint of the existence of the conspiracy. At the same time they advertise themselves in places as prominent as US currency, but of course this is not a contradiction. And so on.

    BD nailed it in his recent article about why Trump may well win re-election: everyone is just too busy fighting each other. To a conspiracy theorist, the US consists of two people, John Doe and Richie Rich, one oppresses the other, tries to distract him and to take his gun away from him, fearing he’s going to put his beer away, turn off the TV and restore his liberties. John Doe just has no other targets in this imaginary world as there’s no infighting in this world at all, on both sides. Of course Richie Rich is scared.

    If the elites don’t facilitate school shootings from time to time, it not being beneath them to shoot some kids themselves when other crazy kids don’t get the memo, and thus fail to outlaw gun ownership, of course the public is going to take their weapons and kill all the elites in a perfectly coordinated plan, never turning against other gun-toting revolutionaries. There isn’t a slightest contradiction with the notion that the conspiracy is so well hidden no-one knows whom to shoot.

    The above would be a failure so severe it threatens the existence of the entire conspiracy, because it’s so incompetent that it’s completely incapable of steering the masses into right directions and installing itself into the leadership of the revolution. Thus it’s imperative that the elites succeed in building a police state, stifling economy and making all the population into homeless addicts, because that makes the world’s richest man, Jeff Bezos, even richer, as everyone knows bums are Amazon’s most valuable clients. The largest corporation, Apple Inc., agrees with that wholeheartedly.

    The only way for the ultra-rich to get even richer is to print more money through their control of the Federal Reserve System of the US. And of course, the weaker the US economy is and the more worthless the US dollar becomes, the richer the holders of said US dollars become, and this is not a contradiction. All the unsolved murders of high-ranking officials are for the heresy of suggesting the conspirators should steer the US towards a strong peaceful economy that siphons the world’s greatest minds that in turn, do the dirty job of attracting the world’s wealth towards the US, and the conspiracy would collect its cut without lifting a finger.

    But no, they want to build a new USSR. And then what, the equivalent of Boris Yeltsin’s shocked face when he sees a random grocery store during his visit to the US?

    “A bunch of pretentious old men playing at running the world. But the world left them behind long ago.”

  • blueguitar
    Posted at 10:13 pm, 14th August 2018

    The character “Alex Jones” is played by a man named Bill Hicks.

    The ultimate meta-conspiracy theory!

    Ironically, everyone always says that the phrase “conspiracy theory” was invented by the CIA. Maybe they created some conspiracy theories and conspiracy theorist to go along with their newly minted phrase?

    So how do “conspiracy theorists” know if their theory is true or just another layer of reverse psychology?

    Maybe “they” actually do plant false flags? But if “Alex Jones” is a CIA operative, then maybe his claimed false flags are in fact false flags of false flags.

    And how does the CIA know it’s not just a pawn in a conspiracy theory? Or maybe a pawn in a conspiracy theory of a conspiracy theory?

    In other words, “they” may think they’re wagging the dog but maybe it’s really a cat dressed as a dog. Or maybe a wolf dressed as a sheep dressed as a dog.


  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 03:14 am, 15th August 2018

    Anon, the level of blue pill coming from you is astounding.

    See, this is what the label “conspiracy theorist” usually implies: their assumption that the elite is one extremely unified entity.

    They are unified on the broad strokes. The goal is a one world government run by them and a reduction of the human population to only 500 million people so that they (the elites) can have breathing room. Hence the overpopulation hysteria, the anti-procreation agenda, the global warming fiction, Monsanto poisoning our food, the agenda to de-masculinize boys via estrogen chemicals and feminist propaganda, psych meds, trans-gender trending, etc…

    All the Zionist Illuminati reptiloids,

    What are “reptiloids?”

    led by John D. Rockefeller Sr. himself

    No. He was not the leader. He was just a middle man. The leaders never show themselves on camera and you will never know their names.

    (who’s still alive through drinking blood of Christian babies),

    Ok, now you are just doing what the CIA does. Don’t deny the truth. Just exaggerate it to psychotic proportions. This is classic agent provocateur behavior.

    all act as one,

    No, they don’t act as one. They are only united on the broad vision.

    there’s no dissent ever,

    Incorrect. There is plenty of dissent in their ranks.

    Example: They were divided on Brexit. Many of the elites wanted Britain to stay in the EU and they were furious when it didn’t. A dissenting group of elites, by contrast, wanted Britain to leave because the UK was the only nation which kept vetoing the EU’s call for their own pan-European military, which will now happen because the UK is about to leave, thus making all European nations occupied by a global fascist army (except Britain).

    and all their clandestine plans are always executed flawlessly.

    Massively false! In many ways, they are incompetent. They wanted the one world government to be installed in the year 2000. Then 2020. Now 2040. They are embarrassingly behind schedule and they hate the internet, hence their constant attempts at censorship.

    They wanted the Sandy Hook hoax to lead to a nationwide gun ban. That didn’t work. Trump’s presidency set them back even further. They’re only human and they’re growing impatient.

    This strike force, despite comprising 4% of the world’s Jews and thus being world’s 8th largest military,

    Uhh no, the 4 percent of Jews are only one small faction of the elites. Most of the elites are composed of pretty much all races and ethnicities.

    manages to prevent each and every member from disclosing the tiniest hint of the existence of the conspiracy.

    LOL! If that were true, I wouldn’t know anything about it and neither would anyone else. Many of these idiots disclose tons of things to everyone, but only a red pilled few actually pay attention!

    They blab to everyone all the time. Sometimes they sell it as entertainment though (movies, TV shows, music etc…).

    At the same time they advertise themselves in places as prominent as US currency, but of course this is not a contradiction.

    They advertise themselves everywhere! Because they know that the sheep are too stupid to listen or do anything about it. This isn’t a contradiction because your first statement about them ensuring that all their members keep their mouths shut is false. Almost none of them stay quiet. They shout it from the rooftops. But very few people are paying attention.

    everyone is just too busy fighting each other.


    To a conspiracy theorist, the US consists of two people, John Doe and Richie Rich,

    Bullshit! This is a simplistic piece of nonsense sold to us as a caricature of conspiracy theorists by people like you, Alex Jones, and the CIA.

    one oppresses the other, tries to distract him and to take his gun away from him,

    Like I said, they want world government, the enslavement of 500 million people in a totalitarian police state, and the genocide of 6.5 billion. So yes, they want to take our guns away, just like every dictator did in the past.

    fearing he’s going to put his beer away, turn off the TV and restore his liberties.

    They fear that the people will rebel when more totalitarian measures are implemented, like the abolition of the U.S. Constitution and the repeal of the Declaration of Independence. In order to achieve their larger plans, they must first disarm the people.

    John Doe just has no other targets in this imaginary world as there’s no infighting in this world at all, on both sides.

    Of course there is infighting on both sides! And the elites are trying to exacerbate the infighting between the people.

    Example: The Occupy Wall Street movement had the potential to unite all Americans against the elites. The elite response:

    Create fourth wave intersectional feminist social justice and attack average white people for their “white privilege” instead; create Black Lives Matter and embolden black supremacists against whitey; replace equality with the Oppression Olympics in which whites are at the bottom and the trans-gender black lesbian midget in a wheelchair is on top; create Antifa to attack average white people and label every white person as a Nazi; push the Alt Right as far in the Nazi direction as possible; etc…

    Divide and conquer has always been their strategy. Instead of fighting the elites, the left is now fighting invisible Nazis from the fictional “cis-het white patriarchy” and the right is now fighting morbidly obese blue haired Americans. All according to the elite plan.

    Of course Richie Rich is scared.

    The elites are scared of the people uniting and their number one priority, even before banning guns, is absolute control of the internet.

    If the elites don’t facilitate school shootings from time to time, it not being beneath them to shoot some kids themselves when other crazy kids don’t get the memo,

    Those kids are made crazy with psych meds. That’s what the mandatory (in public schools) elite program “teen screen” was all about.

    Step I: Label as many kids as possible in public schools as mentally ill via involuntary mental health screening at the schools.

    Step II: Convince the parents to force psych meds down the children’s throat, even though those kids are perfectly healthy and “side effects may include murder.”

    Step III: Hope that enough kids, under the influence of these chemical poisons, snap, grab guns, and shoot up the schools.

    Step IV: Demonize guns and gun defenders as heartless Nazis.

    Step V: Enact gun bans.

    Step VI: Proceed forward with the global police state

    and thus fail to outlaw gun ownership, of course the public is going to take their weapons and kill all the elites

    No. The elites just won’t be able to carry out their plans without causing a civil war if the people are allowed to keep their guns. The people will simply respond in defense, not offense.

    in a perfectly coordinated plan, never turning against other gun-toting revolutionaries.

    There is no revolution planned; only rebellion against totalitarian measures that the elites won’t take before censoring the internet and taking away the guns. They’re not stupid.

    In order for them to win, they can’t lose the public relations battle. And this is another place where the elites are divided against other elites:

    Some want to take away our guns so that we can be herded like sheep. These elites are the donors to the Democrats. Other elites want us to start a civil war with our guns so that they can have their justified pretext for locking us up in FEMA camps without losing the public relations battle against the greater majority. These elites are the donors to the Republicans. These elites also bank rolled Jones.

    Thus, we should do two things:

    1. Cling to our guns.

    2. Always remember that whoever fires the first shot loses.

    There isn’t a slightest contradiction with the notion that the conspiracy is so well hidden no-one knows whom to shoot.

    As I keep saying, it’s NOT well hidden. They scream it at us! But only a few are paying attention.

    The above would be a failure so severe it threatens the existence of the entire conspiracy, because it’s so incompetent that it’s completely incapable of steering the masses into right directions and installing itself into the leadership of the revolution.

    But it HAS installed itself into the leadership of the revolution. There’s this guy named Alex Jones. Ever heard of him? Ever read the children’s story of Chicken Little? Jones is Chicken Little telling Foxy Loxy that the sky is falling so that the chickens break down their own fence and run for safety into the fox’s cave.

    Thus it’s imperative that the elites succeed in building a police state, stifling economy and making all the population into homeless addicts, because that makes the world’s richest man, Jeff Bezos, even richer, as everyone knows bums are Amazon’s most valuable clients.

    They already have all the money in the world. All they want now is power. The goal isn’t to get Jeff Bezos even richer. The goal is to abolish capitalism and demonize the rich so that the poor can masturbate in their poverty to their delusions of moral superiority, thus neutralizing any potential competition.

    The only way for the ultra-rich to get even richer

    They’re not interested in money. They’ve already conquered that game.

    is to print more money through their control of the Federal Reserve System of the US.

    The only goal of the Federal Reserve System is to keep the government, and thus the people, indebted to the elites till the end of time. This is how they institute their system of slavery.

    And of course, the weaker the US economy is and the more worthless the US dollar becomes, the richer the holders of said US dollars become, and this is not a contradiction.

    Dude, they don’t care about the U.S. dollar. They’re globalists, remember? Sure, some of the lower elites might start wars to postpone the collapse of the U.S. dollar and save the petro dollar, but the upper elites are laughing at them. This is another example of division in elite circles.

    All the unsolved murders of high-ranking officials are for the heresy of suggesting the conspirators should steer the US towards a strong peaceful economy that siphons the world’s greatest minds that in turn, do the dirty job of attracting the world’s wealth towards the US, and the conspiracy would collect its cut without lifting a finger.

    Oh for fuck sake, let me say it again: They are globalists! They are internationalists! They want all nations – including America – to become subject provinces of the United Nations. The highest elites of the high want America to cease to exist because Americans are the most stubborn and annoying people on the planet!

    But no, they want to build a new USSR. And then what, the equivalent of Boris Yeltsin’s shocked face when he sees a random grocery store during his visit to the US?

    They want global government, an erasure of the concept of human rights, and the total abolition of all values and principles originating from the European Enlightenment! This is why they are flooding the West with third world savages. The goal is nothing less than the destruction of western-style individualism and all the freedom which that entails.

    “A bunch of pretentious old men playing at running the world. But the world left them behind long ago.”

    Yeah, keep telling yourself that.



  • Sailormack
    Posted at 10:30 am, 15th August 2018


    How, in your opinion, will the elites reduce the population to 500 million as per the Georgia Guidestones?



  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 10:57 am, 15th August 2018

    People watch him for entertainment, not for news.

    Still think that’s true after reading this thread?

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 11:58 am, 15th August 2018

    How, in your opinion, will the elites reduce the population to 500 million as per the Georgia Guidestones?

    They have multiple methods at their disposal. The most outlandish one I heard (from the History Channel of all places) is via the concept of “weather weapons.” The UN has been working on weather modification technology since the 1970s.

    The theory states that they have already perfected weather control and will use things like hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, floods, and so forth to kill 6.5 billion people, which is why they invented the “climate change” fiction – to serve as their alibi for mass genocide!

    But this is unnecessary. Others say that World War III will do the trick, which certain people state will begin on Mother’s Day in the year 2021 (don’t ask me why, I didn’t produce the theory).

    If none of this suits them, then there is always biological warfare (accidently letting loose the Ebola virus), economic collapse, mass starvation, involuntary sterilization via food, water, air poisoning, and vaccinations, etc…

    I have no idea how they want to play this, or if they will even be successful. Like I said, they hate the internet and hate the fact that we have guns.

    But we do know that they are funding anti-human and anti-children ideologies, such as the nihilism movement on the internet, the overpopulation fiction, the “scarce resources” fiction, the pagan Earth worship ideology which refers to humanity as a cancer that should be wiped out by a virus for the good of “Mother Earth,” and other such belief systems invented solely for the purpose of reducing birth rates.

    Then there is the anti-masculinity agenda designed to neutralize any potential push back via poisoning male baby formula with excessive soy and estrogen-based chemicals, promoting trans-genderism, feminism, social justice, the growth of beta males, and anti-sex ideologies which claim that all sex is rape unless it is first prefaced with autistic verbal procedures, etc…

    They have numerous methods. I have no idea which one will win out. What I do know is that the future is not set and we are not powerless to stop them.

    Step I: Protect the Internet!





  • Sammy
    Posted at 12:55 pm, 15th August 2018

    Why I watch and support Jones?

    1. He’s entertaining as hell

    2. He’s really challenging people to think for themselves

    3. He challenges the leftist mainstream media’s narrative and makes it more difficult for them to brainwash people

    I think the world really needs this kind of persona. There’s not that many people who counters bias msm and their steering of public opinion. We need this, even if it’s just for sparking a discussion.

    Sure Jones is really emotional and over the top kind of persona, I think this is calculated tactic to attain more attention. Sure he’s wrong and careless sometimes but who care’s. The positives outweigh the negatives, in my opinion.

  • Sailormack
    Posted at 02:31 pm, 15th August 2018


    I think that maybe you could add the rollout of 5G to your list of potentials.

    How do you like your humans cooked? Medium rare?

    Is it perhaps too late to prevent this future dystopia, as the average man (or white male if you can relate to the white genocide theories) has no clue about what is potentially planned but can reel out the stats of his favourite sports team flawlessly?


  • Steven
    Posted at 02:43 pm, 15th August 2018

    Infowars was taken down for most of yesterday too…Pretty consistent effort to shut up a guy who shouldn’t be taken seriously.

    What about that Caleb?

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 02:55 pm, 15th August 2018

    Why I watch and support Jones?

    Watching him is fine. I said if you take him seriously there is something wrong with you. I watch him too occasionally, and he’s very entertaining. Nothing wrong with that.

    Infowars was taken down for most of yesterday too…Pretty consistent effort to shut up a guy who shouldn’t be taken seriously.

    What about that Caleb?

    They want to shut him up because he has a large audience, not because he’s right. Hillary Clinton too has a large audience with millions of adoring fans. What about that? Does that mean she’s right?

    But don’t worry. Because of all the psychotic crap people have written in this thread, I’m going to make a blog post here specifically for you Alex Jones supporters that will demonstrate just how irrational many of you are. As a matter of fact, it’ll be the next one I write; probably will go up on Sunday.

  • Anon
    Posted at 04:03 pm, 15th August 2018

    Jack, I’m wondering about one thing, namely falsifiability. When a person encounters evidence that is incompatible with that person’s beliefs, it’s rational to change the beliefs appropriately. What possible set of evidence, if any, will, when observed, cause you to revise your beliefs to “there is no preponderance of evidence to suggest the aforementioned conspiracy exists”?

    Just to illustrate, I believe that all I observe with regard to this thread is best explained by the null hypothesis, just humans being humans as I currently understand human nature. But I can well imagine evidence to convince me otherwise, it could be hidden camera video of well known officials discussing putting estrogen into baby food on purpose, or the full list of the 500k-strong Jewish force corroborated by OSINT data about them showing suspicious and unnatural links between them, and/or something else like that.

    Hell, I could see myself stopping believing that 2 + 2 = 4, though it would require something outlandishly improbable. If every time I took two coins from one pocket and two coins from another and dropped all coins on the table, the fifth would appear out of nowhere, I would have no option but to conclude my beliefs are severely lacking and that 2 + 2 might equal 5 under some circumstances.

    What would it take for you to drop your hypothesis?

  • Qlue
    Posted at 04:58 am, 16th August 2018

    Here’s a quick tip for you guys, instead of resorting to ad-hominem maybe you should ask yourself if there’s any evidence to your claims, if there isn’t then you should remove those beliefs. Simple isn’t it? An empty mind is better than a mind filled with garbage.

  • Steven
    Posted at 02:34 pm, 16th August 2018

    They want to shut him up because he has a large audience, not because he’s right.

    Again, If he’s not saying anything that they don’t want to be heard by a large audience, then why go to all the trouble of banning him? By doing so, they’re publicly exposing themselves as the authoritarians that they are.  They also have given him a form of credibility now with some people, that he didn’t have before.

    If he built his large audience by talking about celebrity gossip, would they have removed him from all platforms? This all has happened right after Infowars reported on Apple giving away people’s personal info to the Chinese government.


    Hillary Clinton too has a large audience with millions of adoring fans. What about that? Does that mean she’s right?


    Yeah, but they will never de platform Hillary Clinton because she is one of “them”. I’ll give you a better example: Kim K has a massive audience for being a “Reality TV star” that posts her big ass/tits (which I admit do look nice) on Instagram. I doubt they’re going to de platform her either.  She’s not doing anything that’s a threat to the establishment, like Alex Jones seems to be doing.

    I’m going to make a blog post here specifically for you Alex Jones supporters that will demonstrate just how irrational many of you are.


    I’m looking forward to it Caleb. I’m glad you’ve finally found a subject your readers want to debate you on. I thought you might have been getting bored.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 02:54 pm, 16th August 2018

    If he’s not saying anything that they don’t want to be heard by a large audience, then why go to all the trouble of banning him?

    He is saying things they don’t want to be heard by a large audience. He’s a Christian right-winger and they’re left wing, and he says things that could be construed as defamation and inciting violence (I don’t agree with that last part). They don’t want any of that.

    By doing so, they’re publicly exposing themselves as the authoritarians that they are.  They also have given him a form of credibility now with some people, that he didn’t have before.

    Correct and correct. I am not defending these companies. They are authoritarian pieces of shit. And Alex Jones is insane. I realize this might be hard for you to understand, but both can be true at the same time. There are no good guys in this scenario, as I clearly stated in the article.

    Yeah, but they will never de platform Hillary Clinton because she is one of “them”.

    Correct. Again, just because the Lizard Queen is a protected member of the elites doesn’t mean Alex Jones is stating rational facts.

    I’m looking forward to it Caleb. I’m glad you’ve finally found a subject your readers want to debate you on.

    It won’t be a debate, since debate with fundamentally irrational people is impossible. It will instead be a demonstration. You’ll see what I mean.

  • Sailormack
    Posted at 11:13 pm, 16th August 2018

    When it comes to most media, it is either entertainment or control via SP.

    Try switching off, engaging more with nature and natural law and enjoy what life you have left, the years till you die are just tickin’ away and this time ain’t coming back.

    Are you going to look back when you are on your death bed and be satisfied with the life you lived or are you going to be one of the many regretters?

  • Stork
    Posted at 08:54 am, 18th August 2018

    Jones was asking for this.

    Hell, I’d go as far to say that he wanted it, this way his nuthuggers would give him more support/money etc. Jones is gonna get more famous because of this and I wouldn’t be surprised if he ran for some semblance of office by 2024 because of it.

    It’s the Streisand Effect. Censorship only makes people who become aware of it to know what’s the fuss about, spreading the information further than if it hadn’t been censored. In this day and age it’s always profitable to be perceived as the underdog.

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 04:10 am, 19th August 2018

    An empty mind is better than a mind filled with garbage.

    Then why is your mind filled with 1950s traditionalist, slut shaming garbage?

    Just a question you’re desperately trying to avoid.


  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 04:30 am, 19th August 2018

    Ironically, everyone always says that the phrase “conspiracy theory” was invented by the CIA. Maybe they created some conspiracy theories and conspiracy theorist to go along with their newly minted phrase?

    Yes, they did.

    So how do “conspiracy theorists” know if their theory is true or just another layer of reverse psychology?

    That reveals itself over time. For example, the whole “flat Earth” garbage is a CIA psy op designed to distract truth seekers from the emerging military space program by claiming that there is no space. Also, everything you heard about reptillians, shape shifting aliens, and inter-dimensional energy suckers (a la, David Icke, Russell Pine (Jordan Maxwell’s real name), and others is just counter-intelligence.

    So is anything that can be even remotely connected to New Age and the despicable sub-human filth that was Madame Blavasky. All of this is fiction meant to make truth seekers seem like complete loons.

    Maybe “they” actually do plant false flags?

    They do. The Hoard of Economic Manipulators (T.H.E.M.)

    And how does the CIA know it’s not just a pawn in a conspiracy theory? Or maybe a pawn in a conspiracy theory of a conspiracy theory?

    The CIA is not at the top. That is a puppet organization as well.



  • joelsuf
    Posted at 03:35 pm, 19th August 2018

    I think you’re projecting here.

    I’m more self aware than anything. If I was powerful, I would abuse the power. You would too. It’s human nature. Just because I’m saying things that things don’t have the stones to say doesn’t mean I’m projecting.

    How do I know it’s human nature: Look no further than left sided collectivism. What started as necessary movements that embraced human rights (another JOTB powerword) grew into its own brand of oppression. Nonwhites began the civil rights movements so that they could get away with being racist (which they do). Women’s movements wanted to swap out patriarchal power structures with matriarchal ones. They even freely admit this now.

    It’s the Streisand Effect. Censorship only makes people who become aware of it to know what’s the fuss about, spreading the information further than if it hadn’t been censored. In this day and age it’s always profitable to be perceived as the underdog.

    Exactly. Wait until sometime in 2019, Jones’ name will become more popular than ever. Which will then mean he will gain more fanboys. I wouldn’t be surprised if he ran for some kind of office in 2020, 2022, or 2024. Which will make major elections seem even more like a bad wrestling show.

    Try switching off, engaging more with nature and natural law and enjoy what life you have left, the years till you die are just tickin’ away and this time ain’t coming back.

    The manufacturers of SP don’t want that at all. They want you to not only treat your body like crap with processed food and drugs and stuff, but they also want you to pursue external solutions as if the external solutions would actually help you.


  • Antekirtt
    Posted at 10:58 am, 20th August 2018

    If I was powerful, I would abuse the power. You would too. It’s human nature.

    No. It’s a statistical fact, not a deterministic one. You’re clearly a smart guy but you fall way too easy for naturalistic fallacies. “Humans are corrupted by power” is just a general statement about an observed behavior in our species (and others) that individuals often abuse power when they have a lot of it. Going from “this is often observed, though with many exceptions” to “therefore this is okay” is stupid, because then you have no objective standard for calling something “okay”/”not okay” at all, since both selfish and altruistic behaviors are observed in both humans and other apes. Is-therefore-ought is just plain stupid (though, obviously, it’s possible to intelligently derive a should from a could, just not in a naive automatic manner). What do you exactly mean by “good” or “okay” if the opposite behavior also exists and not just in humans?

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