Announcing The Ultimate Open Marriage Manual


The Ultimate Open Marriage Manual

This is a book, and a separate course (yes, it will be both!) I promised many years ago and has been five years in the making.

Over the last several years I have had literally hundreds of requests from many of you asking me to write a book about how to manage a non-monogamous relationship when you live with your girlfriend or wife in an OLTR arrangement, swinger marriage, or similar non-monogamous marriage, as well as how to convert a normal marriage to an open one.

At the time, I said that I wasn’t comfortable writing such a book until I was in an OLTR myself and had spent several years married under an OLTR Marriage.

Well, that time has finally come.

OLTR Marriage is truly the best of both worlds, and I would know. It is the exact type of marriage I said I wanted way back in 2012 right here, years before I ever met Pink Firefly. A lot of folks back then said I was full of shit, or just fantasizing, or that it was some kind of man-Disney, and/or that I would never do it.

But as usual, I mean what I say, and I always do what I say I will do. Five years after writing that article on how to have an OLTR Marriage, that is precisely what I did. Pink Firefly and I are now entering our sixth year together and have been happily married for almost three years of that time.

Not only are we doing well, we are doing better than I expected by this point…

  • Our drama these days is literally near-zero.
  • Our attraction for each other, both emotionally and sexually is still incredibly strong.
  • We are having more sex now than when we were first married.
  • I love her now more than I did when we first started getting serious and she feels the same about me.
  • I am still having sex with my FBs on the side, consistently, every week without any problems or disruptions.
  • All of my legal and financial protections have been confirmed by multiple attorneys and other asset protection experts and are holding strong 100% just in case there is ever a divorce.

My marriage, at least so far, has been a god damn smashing success on all levels, far beyond my expectations.

For those men over age 35 who want to and are ready to settle down with a woman for the long-term (which honestly does not include a lot of you reading these words, but does include some of you), the OLTR Marriage fucking rocks. I’m ready to describe to you exactly, step-by-step, how to have a marriage or live-in relationship just like this.

I am very excited and proud to announce that in mid to late May I will, finally, be releasing my latest Blackdragon dating book, The Ultimate Open Marriage Manual. You can get just the book, or the book and the unabridged audiobook, or an entire video course, whichever choice you prefer. This way I cover all styles and price points.

This is the bible for those Alpha Male 2.0s over the age of 35 who are ready and willing to settle down long-term with a live-in girlfriend or wife but who also never wants to be sexually monogamous (which doesn’t work anyway) and doesn’t want to risk any of his hard-earned money or assets in case of divorce or break-up like most men do when they get idiotically married the traditional way.

Having a wife who you love while still being able to have sex with other women whenever you want without limits and while having all of your money and assets 100% protected in case that marriage doesn’t work out down the road… holy shit, it’s truly the best of all worlds.

As I’ve said many times, the OLTR Marriage is the only rational and responsible way for a modern man to settle down with a woman.

This is the longest Blackdragon book I have ever written, clocking in at 107,000 words, organized into six sections and 31 chapters that cover literally every aspect of a non-monogamous marriage. From managing FBs on the side, to maintaining attraction with your wife, managing drama, legal and financial aspects, sexual logistics, and so much more.

For you men who are already monogamously married, I have you covered as well. I have an entire section on how to convert your normal marriage to an open one based on proven techniques I’ve seen scores of men use (including many I have successfully coached through the process).

Moreover, it’s not just me who developed this material. Many of the techniques I present in the book have been reviewed, modified, approved by experienced and qualified marriage therapists, experts, and attorneys to make sure that every technique presented is 100% solid.

Here’s a list of the chapters so you know what topics the book covers:

Section 1 – The OLTR Marriage

Chapter 1 – Overview

Chapter 2 – Types of Open Marriages

Chapter 3 – The OLTR Marriage

Chapter 4 – The Three Most Important Aspects of an OLTR Marriage

Chapter 5 – Maintaining Attraction

Chapter 6 – Managing the Day-To-Day

Chapter 7 – Home Layout

Chapter 8 – Quality Communication

Chapter 9 – Drama Management

Chapter 10 – How to Handle Drama

Chapter 11 – How to Minimize Drama

Chapter 12 – The Six Negative Behaviors and Their Cures

Chapter 13 – Ground Rules

Section 2 – Sexual Aspects

Chapter 14 – Managing the Open Aspect with Your Wife

Chapter 15 – Sex with Your Wife

Chapter 16 – Oneitis Management

Chapter 17 – Jealousy Management

Section 3 – Legal and Financial Protection

Chapter 18 – OLTR Marital Legal Structures

Chapter 19 – Prenuptial Details

Chapter 20 – How Finances Tie into The Rest of The Marriage

Section 4 – Family Matters

Chapter 21 –Raising Children in A Non-Monogamous Marriage

Chapter 22 – Dealing with Family and Friends

Section 5 – Side Women

Chapter 23 – Managing Your Side Women

Chapter 24 – Getting New Side Women

Chapter 25 – Where to Have Sex with Side Women

Chapter 26 – Other Sexual Logistics

Section 6 – Converting from A Monogamous Marriage to An Open One

Chapter 27 – The Conversion Process

Chapter 28 – How to Convince Your Wife

Chapter 29 – Other Conversion Methods

Chapter 30 – Troubleshooting

Chapter 31 – The All-Important First Three Weeks

This book will officially replace my old 2012 ebook entitled How To Create Or Convert To An Open Marriage. Anyone who has purchased this book in the last 12 months will get a 50% discount on this new, updated, and more comprehensive book (as well as a smaller discount if they want the video course as well).

The Ultimate Open Marriage Manual will be available in at least three versions:

1. The standard version, which will run about $67 just like any other Blackdragon manual

2. An audio version which will include the book plus the unabridged audio version in my voice

3. A full video course version which will be both of the versions above plus most of the chapters presented in video training format with me explaining everything visually. (Hopefully, I will be able to convince Pink Firefly to be a part of those videos as well.) I don’t have exact pricing on these options yet, but I will soon. Because of COVID-19 I will do my best to keep the prices low.

It will be available permanently once released, but during its release weekend it will be at a lower price with lots of extra content. After that three or four-day period you will still be able to get the book in any of the versions, but it will be more expensive and have less content.

I’m super excited about this. Finally, the Blackdragon series of dating and relationship books for men now feels truly complete. Online dating, first and second dates, managing non-monogamous relationships, dating younger women, and now managing your non-monogamous marriage. (The only thing left now is to update the Ultimate Online Dating Manual. As I mentioned a few weeks ago, I will do that later in the year once the quarantines are behind us.)

More information on The Ultimate Open Marriage Manual coming very soon. Stay tuned.

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