Fidel Castro Dead

Fidel Castro died last week. The irrationality on both sides of the political debate ramped up as usual.

This is not a complicated issue. Was Fidel Castro a good guy, a bad guy, or a so-so guy? The answer depends on how you think.

If a hypothetical man captures, tortures, and murders several innocent people, and then turns around gives $10 million to charity, is he a good guy, bad guy, or so-so guy?

In my opinion, he’s a bad guy. I would admit the $10 million he gave to charity was a very good thing, but he’s still a bad guy.

If you’re a left-winger, apparently you would think he’s a good guy, or perhaps a so-so guy, and that the $10 million somehow wipes out the fact he’s a torturer and murderer. Uh… okay. (You would also point out some other murderers who murdered more people than this guy, and use this to “prove” your point that he’s not a bad guy. Uh… okay.)

If you’re a right-winger, not only would think he’s a bad guy, but you would never acknowledge the $10 million he gave to charity, and get furiously upset if anyone ever brought it up. Uh… okay.

Gotta love the hyper-irrational thinking human beings exhibit when it comes to politics.

Good times.

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  • Sean
    Posted at 11:20 am, 1st December 2016

    More importantly, do you think he is Justin Trudeau’s father? heh

    Also, anybody that praises Castro and is afraid of Trump is a complete moron. Trump is not great, but, he is not yet a murderer (that I am aware of).

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 11:39 am, 1st December 2016

    Trump is not great, but, he is not yet a murderer

    He will be. Just wait until he gets control of Obama’s drones in January.

  • Sean
    Posted at 12:43 pm, 1st December 2016

    That is why I said “yet”

  • Way_Of_Man
    Posted at 02:55 pm, 1st December 2016

    I love that Democrats are now shitting bricks over the fact that Trump is going to have access to all of the drastic over reaching power of the state that they pretend didn’t exist under Obama. Hilarious

    In a semi related note, *please* tell me you watched the Joe Rogan podcast with former Harvard Professor Jordan Peterson. He discusses how the new age SJW has taken over the university system and how it’s only going to get worse.

    This is nothing new for people who read your blog or TRP. But he hits on some very good points that aren’t discussed as much. And he’s absolutely brilliant and articulates that brilliance well. The first hour and a half of the podcast felt like 20 minutes. Very captivating stuff

  • Sean
    Posted at 02:58 pm, 1st December 2016

    Yes, that was a great episode

  • Steve
    Posted at 03:29 pm, 1st December 2016

    Canadian PM Justin Trudeau described Castro as a “legendary revolutionary and orator”.

    What a fucking tool! I have to admit though, I find it highly amusing that a Canadian has managed to piss off so many people. I’ve never really seen that before eh?

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 05:34 pm, 1st December 2016

    I love that Democrats are now shitting bricks over the fact that Trump is going to have access to all of the drastic over reaching power of the state that they pretend didn’t exist under Obama. Hilarious

    It’s the classic problem with the two party system and lesser evilism. My guy can have all the power he wants. Oh wait, now the next guy I hate has the same power?!? Oh shit! Wait a minute…!!!

    Republicans/conservatives do it too. They had no problem when George W. Bush was spying on our phone calls and emails…but when Obama did it…

    God its stupid.

    In a semi related note, *please* tell me you watched the Joe Rogan podcast with former Harvard Professor Jordan Peterson. He discusses how the new age SJW has taken over the university system and how it’s only going to get worse.

    This is nothing new for people who read your blog or TRP. But he hits on some very good points that aren’t discussed as much. And he’s absolutely brilliant and articulates that brilliance well. The first hour and a half of the podcast felt like 20 minutes. Very captivating stuff

    I haven’t and probably won’t. Whenever someone talks about how the left has taken over the colleges and how it’s going to get worse, I just think, “Duh. I’ve been saying that for 15 years.”

    The conservative bashing of SJWs is as boring to me as SJWs screaming about politically correct bullshit. I just don’t see the point in any of it.

    Canadian PM Justin Trudeau described Castro as a “legendary revolutionary and orator”.

    Trudeau’s a leftist, so he’s viewing the world through the irrational prism of his internal political opinions instead of the facts. Most people do that, sadly.

  • A Man
    Posted at 08:50 pm, 1st December 2016

    Of course a right winger is not going to acknowledge the good deed that Castro gave $10 million to charity. HE STOLE THAT MONEY FROM OTHER PEOPLE! It’s not like he lived below his means and saved every peso from his cubicle job so that he could selflessly give the extra away to better humanity. No. He used government force to steal that money. How is this worthy of praise?

    Would you give me the Nobel prize or humanitarian of the year award if I gave $10 million of your money to charity? I think not.

  • Andrew
    Posted at 06:32 pm, 2nd December 2016

    I know this isn’t relevant to this thread but it’s really important to you Caleb.
    Did you hear about the Californian woman who was kidnapped by to cartel members? They branded her beat her assualted her and cut of all her hair. I’m telling u this Cause these gangs operations extends into Washington were your daughter and OLTR is so give them a heads up.
    The woman was out jogging when she was kidnapped. Here’s the link:

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 06:36 pm, 2nd December 2016

    Dude. Try the decaf. And read up on the 2% Rule:

  • Way_Of_Man
    Posted at 10:29 pm, 2nd December 2016

    “The conservative bashing of SJWs is as boring to me as SJWs screaming about politically correct bullshit. I just don’t see the point in any of it.”

    I get where you’re coming from. I skip 90 percent of the posts in the manosphere that are complaints about the SJW aspects of the world. You can only read/hear the same thing so many times before getting tired of it.

    *Even with all of that being said* I highly recommend it. Jordan Peterson is far from some right wing pundit who’s just bitching about Democrats. His take and analysis is extremely thoughtful and he uses a lot of historical context and scientific (plus personal) insight into the discussion. He then ties it in to western societies lack of personal development in modern times. It’s a very refreshing conversation. Especially for the men out there who might still feel “lost in the ether”

    I’d encourage you to give the first 15 minutes a listen at least.

  • Kurt
    Posted at 06:13 pm, 3rd December 2016

    I find it very difficult to imagine how anyone on any part of the political spectrum can forgive Castro any of his horrific crimes in order to praise his good deeds OR deny many of the actually good and useful things he did just because at other times he was a brutal dictatorial monster of a criminal. The guy was obviously horrible, but anyone with half a brain can evaluate his deeds on their own merits without endorsing/condemning the totality of his resume.
    Too much of this tribalistic ‘with us or against us’ mentality going on.

  • Pablo
    Posted at 11:52 pm, 13th December 2016

    Hi there Caleb.

    I’m new on your site and would like firstly to congratulate you for your hard work on it. As you will soon see, our political views and opinions are diametrically opposed. Nevertheless, I must admit, that I value your commitment to encourage a part of the American Republican electorate to not remain blindfolded any longer, regarding President elected Trump, specifically.

    But that’s not the topic on this post so I will keep my opinions about it for further discussions.
    So let’s get to the point. Fidel Castro.

    It profoundly surprises me how little acknowledgement, does Fidel Castro get from your post. Labelling Fidel Castro as a “bad guy, good guy or so-so guy”, even if your post only referred to the left-right Media disputes after his death, seems a little bit narrow-minded to me.
    Fidel Castro, whether we like it or not, is an icon. As one, a final acknowledgement can just not only be based on those $10 million to charity he supposedly gave, nor to the amount of man captures, tortures and murders. that he obviously committed. He was much more than that. And I will explain you why, beginning by the political influence his leading figure exerted upon the USA, which in my opinion fully outweighed the issues exposed on your post.

    – Fidel Castro retook a territory that, same as many others in Latin America, had been previously captured, economically speaking, by the claws of his northern neighbours, whose army actively cooperated to get back, and which, after placing the right puppet (General Batista in the case), despoiled the country and its people like never before since the beginning of colonialism. That is only the cause why Fidel Castro’s life and the USA administrations, will be linked eternally to one another.

    – After taking the country back, the US government and its secret services tried, no less than 600 times, to assassinate him, (according to declassified files), thus becoming one the main threats and issues the American government had to deal with during decades and mandates of, at least, 8 Presidents of the USA. From Eisenhower to Clinton…we don’t really know from then on. It wouldn’t surprise me though that it could’ve remained a crucial issue afterwards considering the circumstances.

    – McCarthyism, and the portrayals of Communists within American territory, although primarily caused by the head on collision between the USRR and the USA at the time, could have grown exponentially over the next decades (and still remains an issue in the US to this day. Let us not forget what to say “Socialism” meant in America up until yesterday, so to say) based on the mere fact that Castro was still alive. You may interject that the Republicans/Democrats could have used Castro’s mere presence as a political argument to amuse a big majority of the American population, despite having Castro under control since not long after the Cuban Missile Crisis in the 60’s. Even then, you would still have to accept that Castro was pretty relevant regarding internal policy. Not to mention the everlasting Embargo exerted upon Cuba during more than 50 years and still unresolved.

    That would only be the influence Castro had within American borders. But that’s nothing compared to what his political figure represented beyond them. The constant fight against the American international military intervention, an astonishing stubbornness shown during decades to not plead for mercy in spite of Cuba’s obvious lack of international (not only diplomatic) support and infrastructures. That is his victory. A victory which shows that, while he may have been wrong -and sometimes extremely wrong- about certain issues, those concerning Cuban nationals specifically, he will also have seen how his “imperialista” Nemesis has also been proven wrong. And now we can all see it as its peak.

    Once again, thanks for your posts and let me please suggest you something. You should start reading real “left wing” blogs and papers soon. What you guys consider left, or liberals, as you call it in the US, is nothing but that what you consider left-wingers. The USA is definitely among the most conservative countries worldwide and it is time to expand your minds and confront the real left. 😀

    Best regards from Europe,


  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 10:44 am, 14th December 2016

    Fidel Castro, whether we like it or not, is an icon.

    I didn’t say he wasn’t an icon. I said he was a bad person. Hilter was an icon too.

    Fidel Castro retook a territory that, same as many others in Latin America, had been previously captured, economically speaking, by the claws of his northern neighbours

    Yep. Castro ousted a shitty dictator, then became a shitty dictator himself.

    After taking the country back, the US government and its secret services tried, no less than 600 times, to assassinate him


    I know. These things have nothing to do with Castro being a good or bad person. Castro standing up to the US does not offset all the evil he did.

    (And if you’re making the argument that the US government sucks, I’m already on that side and you’re wasting your time by pointing out something I already know.)

    Once again, thanks for your posts and let me please suggest you something. You should start reading real “left wing” blogs and papers soon.

    I have. I’ve read stuff written by brazen communists. It just confirms how much I disagree with it.

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