Listing of All the Video Lessons in The Consultant Course

Below is a listing of all the lessons included in The Six Figure Location Independent Consultant Course, plus the bonuses you will get, plus a listing of all the lessons in the optional add-on course.

It goes on sale in three days, on Thursday, June 18th at 4 p.m. EST. It will be available for just four days, with the enrollment ending on the following Monday, June 22nd at 8 p.m. EST.

I will do a FREE live webinar on how to be successful as a location independent consultant at noon PST on June 18th, with a live Q&A at the end. Click here to register and join us.

In 49 lessons comprising eight hours of video, I will personally walk you through the entire process of building your six-figure, location-independent consulting business from scratch, as well as taking your current consulting business to the next level, if you have one.

Here is a full listing of all the video lessons in the course, all featuring me and… Pink Firefly herself(!). Time lengths included.

Section 1 – High Income Consulting
Lesson 01: Overview (7:42)
Lesson 02: The Four Mindsets Necessary for High Consulting Income (7:25)
Lesson 03: The Nine Core Principles for High Income, Location Independent Consulting (16:59)
Lesson 04: The Three Business Models (18:56)
Lesson 05: The Five Types of Consultants (11:22)
Lesson 06: Determining Your Niche (10:14)
Lesson 07: Determining Your USP (4:48)

Section 2 – Determining Fees
Lesson 01: How To Price Yourself (6:49)
Lesson 02: Hourly/Per Diem (9:44)
Lesson 03: Project-Based Billing and Value-Based Fees (12:17)
Lesson 04: Retainer Fees (7:05)
Lesson 05: Percentage of Improvement (7:40)
Lesson 06: Guarantees (6:04)

Section 3: Consultant Marketing
Lesson 01: Deal Flow (5:38)
Lesson 02: Referral Systems (12:29)
Lesson 03: Letters of Recommendation (5:35)
Lesson 04: Joint Ventures With Other Consultants (6:44)
Lesson 05: Using Competitors (6:47)
Lesson 06: Direct Mail (16:21)
Lesson 07: Being A Subcontractor (2:29)
Lesson 08: Leads Groups (3:37)
Lesson 09: Networking (2:34)
Lesson 10: Podcast and Radio Advertising (4:41)
Lesson 11: Online Marketing (7:39)
Lesson 12: Speaking (7:56)
Lesson 13: Clever Marketing Techniques (5:19)
Lesson 14: Consulting Opportunities Post-Coronavirus (12:05)

Section 4: Closing New Clients
Lesson 01: Sales vs. Marketing (2:20)
Lesson 02: The Initial Meeting (20:53)
Lesson 03: Proposals (6:01)
Lesson 04: Follow-Up (13:03)
Lesson 05: Implementation and Payments (10:01)

Section 5: Client Management
Lesson 01: Delivering Amazing Customer Service (11:34)
Lesson 02: Dealing With Unreasonable Clients (16:08)
Lesson 03: Jettisoning (5:33)
Lesson 04: 12 Systems for Regular Client Contact (18:51)
Lesson 05: Generating Repeat Business (5:52)
Lesson 06: How To Profit By Using Subcontractors (13:05)
Lesson 07: Tracking Your Key Metrics (12:46)
Lesson 08: Using and Creating Custom Tools (8:18)

Section 6: Managing Your Consulting Business
Lesson 01: Legal and Bookkeeping (7:57)
Lesson 02: Invoicing and Billing (8:01)
Lesson 03: Billing for Expenses (5:29)

Section 7: Location Independent Consulting
Lesson 01: Levels of Location Independence (8:30)
Lesson 02: Location Independent Marketing and Sales (6:28)
Lesson 03: Service Delivery (4:38)
Lesson 04: Developing Other Products and Services (4:26)
Lesson 05: Working With Remote Contractors (10:48)
Lesson 05: Course Conclusion (3:00)

When you enroll in the course you also get…

  • Written PDF transcripts of the entire course. These will be sent to you 35 days after you sign up for the course.
  • Membership in an exclusive Facebook Community where you can interact with other participants in the course.
  • A suite of documents needed for consulting, including templates you can use to do your proposals.
  • Book recommendations, including the best books I’ve ever read regarding how to be a successful consultant.
  • A bunch of extra bonuses but only if you get the course this weekend, which are…
  1. A $100 discount off the investment of the course. – It will normally retail for $997 but you’ll be able to get it for $897. (And yes, SMIC members get their 15% discount off the sale price, as always. The discount code is at the SMIC site now.)
  2. Business Plan Critique – You will be able to email me your full consulting business plan (or ideas). Be as complete as possible, and I will go through the entire thing and critique it to make sure you won’t make any mistakes or waste your time. I will actually be your consultant and send you back a full report on what I think you’re doing right, should be doing more of, should be doing less of, and things you should probably change. This alone could save you an entire year of trial-and-error. It is, at least in my opinion, worth the price of the entire course. (I would have killed to have something like this when I was first starting.)
  3. Group Coaching Session With Me – About two weeks after you get the course I will have a group coaching session where all of you can join me live on a video call where I will work with all of you to answer any questions or help you with any problems you’re encountering. You’ll be able to download the entire video when we’re done.
  4. An entire free 30-day trial of the SMIC Program. If you’re not already in the program, you’ll get 30 days of the program for FREE. This normally costs $177 so it’s a damn good deal.

Optional Add-On Course

For a small additional fee, you can also get an optional add-on course called Consulting: Getting Started from Scratch. This add-on course includes the following lessons:

Video Lessons: Getting Started from Scratch. This is an extra video where I lay out a specific plan for you to get your business started from scratch. I lay out everything step-by-step on exactly what you need to do to go from zero to your first three clients. These lessons include techniques regarding:

  • Determining your initial level of location independence.
  • Setting up your laptop, internet, and website.
  • Setting up your banking, social media, and bookkeeping software.
  • Getting a good professional outfit and getting professional photos.
  • How to set up your initial fees and offering.
  • A specific 7-step marketing plan to get your first three paying clients.
  • Exactly how to work with your first three clients for maximum income and leverage.

Audio Lessons: But I’m Not Good at Anything! Over an hour of audio that shows you that, yes, you actually are good at something and you do have at least one, if not several marketable skills right now that companies will pay you for. I walk you through several deep and specific exercises to pull out all the knowledge, skills, and talents you already have. This includes:

  • Several exercises that you can use to uncover your marketable skills.
  • Several real-life examples of successful consultants who made a lot of money who also thought they had “no marketable skills.”
  • Exercises on how to determine how your skills will help companies (your future clients!).
  • How to monetize your hobbies(!). Instead of having your hobbies cost money, why not get them to pay you?

Audio Super-Lesson: How to Find Your Niche. This is probably the biggest question I get: How do I find a niche for my business? No problem. In this 18minute lesson, I will go over about ten specific techniques that I have never talked about before anywhere else that you can use to determine your profitable market niche.

Audio Lessons: Consulting as A Side Hustle. One of the best ways to get your consulting business started is to do it part-time, on the side, in addition to your current job. This is one hour of audio that will help you manage this and get to the money as fast as possible so you can quit your job as fast as you can! It includes:

  • How to set realistic goals that you can hit fast.
  • How to plan and manage your time, so you can fit your job and your side business and the rest of your life into your regular week.
  • How to determine exactly when you can quit your job for maximum safety.
  • How to get and work with clients who will work with you part-time, even if you’re not available during the day because you’re at your job.
  • How to make sure you don’t get fired or get anyone upset at your current job and stay out of trouble while building up your side business.

You get all this content for just an additional $397. Both this course and the main course will completely pay for itself as soon as you get your first client.

It all goes on sale this Thursday. I will do a FREE live webinar on how to be successful as a location independent consultant at noon PST on June 18th, with a live Q&A at the end. Click here to register and join us.

Leave your comment below, but be sure to follow the Five Simple Rules.

  • carlos
    Posted at 08:17 am, 15th June 2020

    Hey Caleb, huge fan.

    But are you serious though? A young 20 year old guy flipping burgers can get to 100k usd an year within 1 year if he busts his ass?

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 09:40 am, 15th June 2020

    A young 20 year old guy flipping burgers can get to 100k usd an year within 1 year if he busts his ass?

    Caleb hits paste:

    If you use the exception to the rule to prove your point, you don’t have one.

    What percentage of my readership do you think are 20 year-olds who work at McDonalds?

    And if that 20 year-old burger flipper can’t do it in 1 year, he certainly could do it in 2 or 3. I was making the inflation equivalent of $80,000 a year when I was 22, as a consultant.

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