The Only Three Ways to Increase Sales

Most people think there are many ways to increase sales in a business. There are actually only three ways.

  1. Increase the number of customers.
  2. Increase the average size of a sale.
  3. Increase the number of repeat sales from existing customers.

That’s it. Every possible marketing or sales method you can think of in order to increase your income in your business will fall into one of these three categories. There is no other way to do it. 

(Granted, there is one additional way to increase profit in your business, and that would be to reduce your expenses, which is very important. However, today we’re talking about sales, not profit.) 

Most business owners barely market at all. The few that do only focus on the first method, which is getting more customers.

If you want to maximize your business income, you need to focus on all three. You don’t need to do all three all at the same time (I rarely do) but you do need to have all three in your marketing plan and make sure you attack all three on a regular basis. This is one of the main reasons for my business success and income growth over the last 25 years as an entrepreneur. Not only do I focus on marketing (which is the most important function in your business, as I talk about in The Unchained Man), but I focus on all three methods, not just “OMG I need to get more customers.”

As a matter of fact, with some businesses, methods #2 and #3 are often more profitable and much easier than method #1. In my online Blackdragon business for example, I took three years and focused purely on methods #2 and #3 (during the Optimization Phase of that business). During that time, I increased the income from that business by more than seven times even though the average traffic to many of my websites went down (as part of an overall downward trend for most PUA / Red Pill sites over that time). Granted, this is just one example and many businesses wouldn’t work that way, but it shows how important methods #2 and #3 are. 

Here are some examples of these three methods. 

Increase the number of customers 

– Increase your cold marketing (online or offline or both) 

– Increase your cold sales efforts (using your own efforts or salespeople) 

– Increase your exposure (publicity, social media, etc.) 

– Increase your word of mouth referrals 

Increase the average size of a sale 

– Include upsell and/or downsell offers 

– Introduce more bundle offers 

– Raise your prices 

Increase the number of repeat sales from existing customers 

– Revamp and/or improve the quality of your products/services so existing customers are more likely to buy other products/services from you 

– Offer special discounts to existing customers 

– Create more products and services for your existing customers to purchase based on what they ask for

– Sell ongoing continuity programs, products, or services instead of one-off products or services 

These are all just examples. There are many more of these subcategories under each method. Your marketing plan should include multiple techniques under each of the three methods to increase sales. There’s no reason not to (unless you already make all the money you’ll ever want to make). 

The Alpha Male 2.0 Focus Program is where you meet with me and a small group of men one-on-one four times over the course of a year to improve your financial and woman life 90 days at a time. Our first session is in March! Click here for the details.

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  • Félix
    Posted at 08:00 am, 20th February 2020

    How does this relate to the two types of IW: Marketing and innovation?

  • Félix
    Posted at 08:08 am, 20th February 2020

    How does this relate to the two types of IW (as you laid out in this post)?

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 12:26 pm, 20th February 2020

    All marketing is “Improvement” IW.

    If you develop a new product for your customers (or if you’re making a new business from scratch) creating that item is “Development” IW. Then when you go to market it it’s “Improvement” IW.

  • Charles
    Posted at 03:41 pm, 20th February 2020

    Increase your exposure (publicity, social media, etc.)

    Have you seen measurable improvements/profit in your businesses by being more active on social media?

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 08:15 pm, 20th February 2020

    Have you seen measurable improvements/profit in your businesses by being more active on social media?

    Yes but only on YouTube. We haven’t started blasting the other social media pages yet, but we will next week. I’ve only been dabbling and testing the YouTube / social media stuff up until now. Big changes coming.

  • Greg
    Posted at 06:16 am, 21st February 2020

    It’s good you say that, as the Alpha 2.0 Facebook group has become a joke, with Caleb never posting on it and a lot of guys just speaking a lot of shit, rather than talking about what they’re doing to become financially independent, so I left the group. I do watch Caleb’s YT vids and listen to the podcast, but they’re both too sporadic and currently aren’t focused and regular enough. I’d do YT live chats, but give guys 1-2 weeks advance notice of the day, date and time it’s done.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 03:20 pm, 22nd February 2020

    so I left the group

    The Facebook Group is a more free-for-all type of experience. If you want a more controlled experience, use the Alpha 2.0 Forum instead:

    I do watch Caleb’s YT vids and listen to the podcast, but they’re both too sporadic and currently aren’t focused and regular enough.

    Don’t know what you mean by “focused.”

    They are both regular in that we upload new content regularly without fail. If instead you want content on specific dates or specific days of the week 100% of the time, that’s not in the cards, at least not for the time being. (That’s what you get for free.)

    I’d do YT live chats, but give guys 1-2 weeks advance notice of the day, date and time it’s done.

    I realize other guys do this, but that’s a form of coaching and thus I will never do that for free. Instead I do exactly that inside the SMIC Program.

  • Charles
    Posted at 06:41 am, 25th February 2020

    Increase your cold marketing (online or offline or both)

    Have you run Facebook, Instagram and/or LinkedIn ads and have they been profitable?

    Are online ads useful for both B2B and B2C?

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 07:26 am, 25th February 2020

    Have you run Facebook, Instagram and/or LinkedIn ads and have they been profitable?

    Yes and oh yes. Even when my ads were embarrassingly bad and I got tons of hater comments, I made a five-figure profit. We’re running them again now.

    Are online ads useful for both B2B and B2C?

    Yes, though I don’t have nearly as much data on B2B ads.

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