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Donald Trump is president of the USA. Again. Because he did such a great job the first time. Like making America great again, building the wall, bringing back the manufacturing jobs, kicking out all of the Mexicans, throwing Hillary Clinton in jail, cutting regulations and spending, ending all of Obama’s wars, and all that other amazing stuff he did the first time he was prez.
Oh wait.
He didn’t do any of that.
I’m going to map out what this all means for the Collapsing USA and the rest of the world.
First off and most importantly, America’s collapse will not only continue, but it will now accelerate. This is because the President of the USA is a Republican, the Senate is controlled by Republicans, and at the time of my writing this article on November 8th, it looks like the House will also be controlled by Republicans.
Whenever the presidency and Congress are all controlled by Republicans, that’s when Republicans increase government spending by trillions upon trillions of dollars like absolute psychopaths. It happens every time; go look it up if you don’t believe me.
The US government always grows, but it tends to grow more slowly when the president is one political party and the Congress is the opposing party. Big government grows on steroids when they’re both controlled by the same party.
So even though government overspending is the number one reason for American collapse, over the next two years at least, you’re going to see the federal government of the USA increase its spending by trillions of dollars anyway by the completely insane and suicidal Republicans. Moreover, instead of Trump voters screaming in protest when they do this, they’re going to cheer it on, because Trump Is Awesome No Matter What He Does™ or they’ll completely ignore it.
And, of course, if a Democrat president or Congress did this, they’d scream their heads off and call them Marxists.
So, once again, if you live in the Collapsing USA right now, I don’t know why the hell you’re still there (unless you have a fully developed international backup plan, which most of you don’t).
Secondly, in the United States at least, the concept of “left” and “right” has officially been destroyed. The terms “left” and “right” have been much weaker in accurately describing Westerners in the past 10-15 years or so already. But now, in the Collapsing USA, there is no “left” or “right.” There are now only “pro-Trumpers” and “anti-Trumpers”.
100% of all American politics now revolves around just one political issue: Do you like Trump or do you hate him? None of your other political opinions matter for whom you vote for.
Dick Cheney, called Satan by the left for 20 years, supported Kamala Harris.
Moreover, the “left” didn’t scream in protest when this happened; they said “Yay!”
There is no more left or right in the USA.
Trump is pro-abortion. He’s used it many times in the past (allegedly). He has said many times that he would veto a nationwide abortion ban. Yet, something like 86% of evangelical Christians, who hold anti-abortion is their greatest “right-wing” issue, voted for him anyway. And the left, many of whom hold anti-abortion as their greatest issue, lied to themselves by saying Trump was anti-abortion and voted against him.
There is no more left or right in the USA.
Trump is the second-biggest big-government president in American history even before the pandemic, yet people on the “right” (who supposedly want less government and fewer regulations) voted for him, and people on the “left” (who fucking love big government) voted against him.
There is no more left or right in the USA.
Kamala Harris stated publicly many times that she’s pro-Israel, pro-fracking, and won’t raise taxes on people making as much as $390,000 a year, all extreme right-wing positions. Donald Trump has said numerous times that he wants full government-funded health care, thought the war in Iraq was a complete lie by George W. Bush, wants personal weed use to be legal, and wants to cap Americans’ state and local tax deductions, all left-wing positions.
There is no more left or right in the USA.
Instead, left and right has been completely consumed and replaced by anti-Trump or pro-Trump.
So from now on, instead of calling Americans “left” or “right”, I’m going to call them anti-Trump or pro-Trump because left/right views no longer have anything to do with who Americans vote for.
All of American politics now is 100% focused on one guy who will be dead in a few years anyway, which means he’s not that important to America long-term. I mean, come on, the bastard is almost 80 years old, overweight, very unhealthy, eats like shit, and is constantly on stimulants. He’s not going to make it to age 85 and you can quote me on that.
So what the fuck will Americans base their politics on in a few years once Trump is gone?
Well, actually, it won’t matter. By then the debt will be over $43 trillion or something and the USA will be that much closer to all-out economic collapse. Hilarious.
The third item is that the Ukraine war will end soon, so at least that’s some good news. Putin didn’t fear Biden or Kamala, but he knows not to fuck with Trump. My guess is that the conflict will end in the next six months or so, and Ukraine is going to have to cede land. As I said several years ago when the war started, Ukraine can’t win against Russia, so the war is just a bunch of wasted time and lives until Ukraine just surrenders the eastern regions to Putin, whether we like it or not.
I also predict that while Trump is president, Iran and Hamas will calm down somewhat on their aggressive actions against Israel, then start the violence right up again in four years when Trump dies or is replaced by the next corporatist Democrat the elites select for you.
Lastly, and this is the obvious one I’ve stated before, perhaps the greatest tragedy is that millions of pro-Trumpers will continue to do nothing to protect themselves from the upcoming collapse of the West nor the 10-15 years of economic brutality that will occur because of AI. They will incorrectly assume that everything will be fine forever now that Trump is president for four years and will spend their time circle-jerking themselves and poking fun at the anti-Trumpers on social media instead of focusing on setting up their Alpha 2.0 location-independent business, setting up an international backup plan, or moving to a less bad country outside of the West.
Anti-Trumpers will also learn nothing from their failure, just like they learned nothing when Hillary lost in 2016. Instead of looking at how evil, corrupt, incompetent, anti-democracy, and anti-left the Democrat party is, they’ll instead point at pro-Trumpers and assume it was all their fault, calling them racists and supporters of rape and all the usual bullshit, instead of rationally examining why the Democrat party keep shoving these utterly horrible candidates in anti-Trumpers’ faces that no one likes, like Hillary, Biden, and Harris while suppressing candidates anti-Trumpers want and could actually change things like Bernie Sanders.
All as America’s collapse accelerates.
So if you still live in the Collapsing USA and have no plans to leave, as I always say, good luck with that. I’ll be here in Dubai and Paraguay living an amazing life and being protected from all this.
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Posted at 03:18 pm, 12th November 2024This is quite an about face, you’ve been saying for a long time America is moving left and socialist. Now the 2024 election has rinsed that idea, and so you say there is no left or right now. In Caleb we trust. And all those pro Trumpers won’t be giving you money and that sucks.
Posted at 04:58 pm, 12th November 2024Comment removed for violation of Rule Number One and Rule Number Five.
A Texan
Posted at 10:29 pm, 12th November 2024I’m a Ron Paul guy, so Trump is far from ideal. As Doug Casey says, he is a cultural conservative which helps, but he is also a throwback of Democratic populism. Even Peter Schiff and others are saying the spending needs to stop. Is Trump that man? Probably not. Too many bad things baked into the economic cake from decades of stupidity. I agree a GOP majority means little and will probably be squandered. Laurence Vance over at Lewrockwell has this well documented over the decades.
If grifter Gingrinch had actually done some fed nut cutting of the federal government and taxes in the 1990s instead of a worthless impeachment trial over whether Bill was getting knookie, that would have been the best revenge of all and we would not be here now.
There were some federal judge appointments that stymied some leftist stupidity last time and he did not attack gun owners of people of faith. Just less bad in some ways.
Posted at 05:08 am, 13th November 2024This article seems a bit harsh but fair. The only advantage that Trump really has over the corrupt Democratic party is that he would probably make less stupid foreign policy/war decisions. So much damage has already been done to America’s reputation in South America, the middle east, Asia and Africa (greater than 80% of the world’s population) over the past 25 years though, that there is little that can be reversed. At least in the cold war there was a large non-aligned movement, although now basically the whole world except Europe and Japan is aligning with BRICS. You might see the government shoving less socially destructive woke BS down people’s faces, although he isn’t exactly a social conservative like you say. The biggest problem America faces is that about 30% of money that the government spends is borrowed. At some point there will need to be a painful adjustment process where entitlement programmes need to be cut or taxes rise substantially to bring this into balance. It will only happen when circumstances force it.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:21 am, 13th November 2024Incorrect. And you’re not looking at any data. Most Trump voters are left-wing on most issues (not all, but most). Read this, as just one example: https://calebjones.com/republicans-are-left-wingers/
Pro-Trumpers give Bernie Sanders standing ovations when he gives speeches and kiss his ass when he goes on podcasts like Joe Rogan. Most modern-day Republicans are pro-welfare and think government paying for all healthcare is a good idea. I could go on and on.
I said way back in 2013 that the only way Republicans could keep winning elections in the left-wing Collapsing USA is that if Republican voters started moving to the left, and that’s exactly what happened.
Most of my online income comes from pro-Trumpers already it still does.
Rarely have I seen a comment on my blogs as factually incorrect as yours.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:29 am, 13th November 2024That’s the problem. A cultural conservative (which could be debated if we’re talking about Trump, but okay) who hates transgenderism with kids and abortion and political correctness but jacks spending up by trillions is still going to collapse your country. That’s what the pro-Trumpers don’t understand (or don’t want to understand).
Not probably. Like I said, watch what’s going to happen over the next 2 years with government spending.
Correct, and I’ve said that many times. Americans could have saved the USA in the 1990s.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:32 am, 13th November 2024Correct. That is the only advantage.
Yup. Even I live in a BRICS country now (UAE).
Correct, but by my analysis, and I could be wrong, by the time that happens it will be too late. America will just go under (collapse, implode, coup, war, balkanization, etc).
Posted at 10:12 am, 13th November 2024You can try to save face Caleb but the truth is you’re wrong here you’ve been saying for years that the country is moving left and socialist. Now suddenly when the election proves that wrong, a firm repudiation of the woke left you say left and right are now cancelled!!!!! No, they are not cancelled, there is still a difference, a wide difference between relatively left and relatively right. There is still left and right. But when you’re wrong you try to change the rules of the game- ‘no more left and right.’ Period. Maybe stop trying to win at the expense of the truth, you were wrong here.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:55 am, 13th November 2024Correct, I’m 100% right about that, and the data clearly shows it.
I agree it’s a repudiation of the WOKE left. That’s correct. Most Americans (including most Trump voters) are MODERATE left but they hate all that WOKE left shit. Left and WOKE left are two different things, as I’ve described in detail many times in my podcasts, especially here where I explained the difference in detail: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sz4X0iCMYdg
But none of that mean America is less socialist or less left. The vast majority of Americans are MODERATE left (not WOKE left!) and love government spending and the welfare state to some degree, including probably you.
Now, if you disagree with what I just said, instead of just saying I’m wrong and that’s it, try to construct an actual argument using facts and data to back up your point. I know you can do it! I believe in you! Give it as shot!
John McTernan
Posted at 02:19 pm, 13th November 2024Here comes Caleb with a big ol’bucket of ice 😂
A Texan
Posted at 12:28 pm, 14th November 2024One my motivations for voting Trump is that I would like to see the J6 Political Prisoners released and pardons for Derek Chauvin, Jeff Fields and others harmed by these Marxist. Remember when the 1960s left derided government oppression and actually cared about civil liberties? Now they want to jail you for speech they don’t like or a gun that one of their dimwits thinks is an ‘assault weapon’ and you can not have it. I could list other examples. The left and DOJ are also jailing non violent abortion protesters.
I’m also tired of the trash on the left calling me racist and homophobic because I expect other races to perform to White Supeuropean/WASP standards and I don’t want to work next to a freak dressed as a woman or a furry. Some stuff should be private and done after work and the weekends and don’t tell me about it. By the way, I live in South Texas, so I know plenty of Mexican Americans that do great car repair, plumbing, etc., so it’s the whiny minorities and their lazy white enablers I”m annoyed about. If you need to exempted from a test or other standards because you think that is racist, I don’t want you doing anything medical on me or fixing my stuff if a test for a license is required.
I’m a member of GOA and TX gun rights, so they are pushing for Constitutional Carry and the abolition of some gun laws. Of course, I’m sure the Grand Ole Poltroons will find a reason not do shit on some of these issues. The bills are already written. We will see if Trump helps on this. He did speak of Red Flag Laws last time, but did make federal appointments of judges that stymied some of the leftist stupidity on guns.
The GOP gave us the TSA and misnamed PATRIOT act that has been used against us.
Other Trump prizes are annoying the left and maybe I can accumulate a bit more of some things before the collapse. I’m hoping Trump will create conditions for the migrant sub humans to return back to their home countries just like the racist white liberals at Martha’s Vineyard did. Again, we will see.
The bigger issue is that ‘pubic’ schools sucks and it’s not conducive to the elite for people to adopt a pro-liberty mindset. That means support for the Bill of Rights and an entrepreneurial independent mindset. Medieval serfs had more liberties and the knowledge of them and supporting them than anyone today who thinks they have freedom.
I supported Ron Paul in ’08 and ’12, and think of the thousands of consevatards who crapped on this man, and yet to to this day whine about ‘big government’ and ‘muh taxes.’ Most people will happily vote to make me, you, themselves and others a slave. The worst ones about civil liberties are those with college or higher education.
I’ve been ready for a while now to write in Adolf Hitler, Augusto Pinochet, or General Franco come election time.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 08:34 pm, 14th November 2024Correct. The ice is called “objectivity” and “rationality.”
Caleb Jones
Posted at 08:47 pm, 14th November 2024Great. Are you going to publicly disavow and repudiate Trump if he doesn’t do this?
Correct. That’s one of the many reasons I don’t live in your country anymore. I have more free speech in fucking Dubai than I do in the modern version of the USA.
Trump will not stop any of this so if you voted for him for this reason you literally wasted your time other than to give yourself some emotional warm fuzzies what will wear off in about six months or less.
Society moved further to the left during Trump’s first 4 years, and I demonstrated this at my blogs at the time with many specific examples.
Great. Are you going to publicly disavow and repudiate Trump if he doesn’t do this?
Yes, which Trump made worse.
– In 2018, Trump signed a reauthorization of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), which allows warrantless surveillance of foreign targets, including communications with Americans
– The Trump administration expanded the use of facial recognition technology by federal agencies like ICE and CBP for immigration enforcement. This will 100% eventually be used for American citizens. Watch.
Yes, you hope. Like Obama supporters hoped.
Trump will not improve any public schools at your local level. Watch.
And you’re one of thsoe people. With all due respect, you are the classic example of the irrational pro-Trumper who voted purely based on emotions and zero actual objectivity.
At this point, you might as well.
Posted at 11:03 pm, 14th November 2024Comment deleted for violation of Rule Number One.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 08:44 am, 15th November 2024@ A Texan
If you voted for Trump, you are pro-Trump. Duh.
And please don’t change your name in the same thread.
A Texan
Posted at 11:20 am, 15th November 2024I didn’t change my name on the same thread. You are really not listening. I’m only registered Republican because of less bad candidate that MIGHT be offered on occasion. That does not mean I’m ‘pro-GOP’ since they don’t get limited government either. Neither am I ‘pro-Trump.’
I’ve sat out most elections over my lifetime. My Trump vote is more in the vain of Peter Schiff and Doug Casey. Paul Craig Roberts supported Trump but already has some concerns if read his recent columns posted at Lewrockwell and his site.
Thanks for putting labels on people while deriding other who do so.
Alejandro Rojas
Posted at 02:41 pm, 15th November 2024Dead on accurate blog, not my first time reading these but my first time commenting, as I have one positive that may come out of this.
“I also predict that while Trump is president, Iran and Hamas will calm down somewhat on their aggressive actions against Israel, then start the violence right up again in four years when Trump dies or is replaced by the next corporatist Democrat the elites select for you”
Frankly, that assumes Irans regime is still around by the time Trumps term is over. With Oct 7th and complete republicans control of the government lead by one of the most pro Israel presidents and cabinets in history, I don’t see Irans regime lasting without major reforms. The republicans are more pro Israel then ever, Israel is more bloodthirsty then ever, and Irans regime is weaker then ever. Iran is not stupid and within the next four years they’ll have a higher likelyhood of revolution or major reform. Now I’m not saying it WILL happen because I’m not an idiot, but Iran opening up is more likely to happen now then ever before.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 07:15 pm, 15th November 2024True, I’ve said many times that a revolution in Iran is inevitable. The world has been patiently waiting for this for about 20 years and it still hasn’t happened, but I agree it will at some point.
Will it happen in the next 4 years? I really don’t know. Possible, but it’s just as likely it will take longer.
Johnny Guitar
Posted at 09:47 pm, 15th November 2024Did you hear Elon Musk is looking into getting rid of wasteful government spending?
i.e cutting off all that money wasted on ESG/DEI crap among other things
Anyway, Trump was the better option hands down compared to Kamala Cackling Hyena Harris who was so grossly unqualified, even Democrats have openly admitted she wouldn’t have been their first pick for presidential nominee.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:53 am, 16th November 2024Like Trump was going to build the wall? And bring all the manufacturing jobs back to the US? And arrest Hillary Clinton?
Why do you still believe this shit?
Prediction, and you can quote me on this: Elon Musk will not be able to make any NET cuts in government spending. Total government spending will still increase no matter what he does. He will either not be able to make any NET cuts, or he’ll resign in disgust once he realizes no one will do what he recommends and no one was serious about actually doing this in the first place.
Yeah, you seem new to my content. You REALLY need to read this:
Posted at 01:36 pm, 18th November 2024The issue is that most normal people have no clue about economy or government spending.
That is why people hail stuff like reduced taxes and dont care if its done whilst increasing expense.
Andrew Z
Posted at 11:21 pm, 18th November 2024Hi Caleb I’m 20 year old college student at Rutgers university study political science and I want your advice as to what I should do in my future.
I’m thinking of doing ROTC and joining the air force after college and maybe going to law school or mba after that. Is this a good idea?
Also my friend is starting a business that is a mobile payment app. Should I join his startup at some point or start my own business?
You talk about moving out of the collapsing west. What if I stayed in the suburbs of New Jersey or move to China (where my parents came from)?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 07:42 pm, 19th November 2024Correct. Which is why these people shouldn’t vote and/or why the USA shouldn’t be a democracy.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 07:44 pm, 19th November 2024No. It’s an awful idea. You should never, ever go to college for any reason unless you’re going to be a doctor. There’s also a glut of lawyers in the marketplace which has driven their salaries down.
Start your own business.
You’d be better off in China, but China has a lot of problems too. Move somewhere like Singapore or Dubai or Malaysia.