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Diversification of Income

Way back in my 20’s, I had a discussion with a successful entrepreneur that I’ll never forget. He said, “Caleb, do you have a spare tire in your car?” Of course, I said yes. “Great,” he said, “Do you have a spare income?” I was confused. Seeing my confusion, he went...

Passive vs. Aggressive Investing

Oh boy. I started writing this article and then stopped to add in this warning first. This is one of those articles where I really have to remind you that I’m not a qualified investment advisor and I don’t consider myself an investment expert. I’m just a guy who has...

US Debt Just Topped $20 Trillion

As the corporatist monstrosity known as the USA slowly grinds towards collapse, yet another dark milestone is passed. The US federal debt is now over $20 trillion. This is addition to the approximate $120 trillion in unfunded liabilities. Loving big government as...

War is Bad For the Economy

A common trope of Societal Programming, particularly that of the USA, is that war is good for the economy. Examples range from the (largely false) economic prosperity during the George W. Bush Iraq War years all the way to how “World War Two got America out of the...