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Wasting Opporunities

Sometimes business people are guilty of overlooking huge opportunities for free profit because they’re too focused on saving pennies. Here’s a fantastic example of this… You’re probably familiar with the Entertainment Book. It’s full of...

The Free Market Enters Space

If you didn’t already know, billionaire Richard Branson is designing an airline that will take people into space. Really. It’s called Virgin Galactic. Recently Ashton Kutcher became the 500th person to reserve a ticket for the first flight. For the low low...

Get It In Writing

True story… When I was a young lad of about 19 years old and was working in my first corporate job, I saw one of those shifty but convincing late-night get-rich infomercials. This particular one was on investing in heating oil options. For half an hour, the host...

How To Get Customers…Without Selling

True story… A few years back there was a guy I’ll call “Joe”.  Joe was a car salesman, but he was no ordinary car salesman. He sold for Lincoln Mercury, and his cars were directly competing against Cadillac.  Not an easy job. Every time someone...

GM Earns Highest Profit EVER. You’re Welcome, GM.

Some of the big business news today is GM posted record profits for 2011. That’s great.  Only problem is the American taxpayer, you and me, still own 27% of the company.  Did YOU get a GM profit-sharing check in the mail?  I didn’t.  GM still owes the...